View Full Version : getting a r.o but thinking after the seasons over??

02-08-2012, 06:09 AM
How do you guys store your r.o unit after the season is done? I read enough about how to store the membranes after the season to be informed about that. Do you blow out the final wash/rinse water and call it good? Do you have to start heating the room again as fall/winter comes around again? How can a person be sure the pumps are totally free of water so they don't split. Thanks in advance.

02-08-2012, 07:48 AM
I think most guys take their membranes out of the machine and store them in the house in canisters with preservative added. I have an old machine and it's a pain to remove the membranes and I don't have storage containers. So, I leave them right in the machine soaking in the perservative. I run the machine for 5 minutes about once a month during the off season just to make sure the membranes stay nice and moist with perservative. You don't want to let them dry out.

And, yes, I keep the room heated as soon as the temps drop. In a well insulated 8'x8' room, it's incredible how much heat a 100 watt bulb will generate.

Snow Hill Farm
02-08-2012, 12:58 PM
Same here, a small heated room and I have a small space heater plugged into a temperature sensor set to 40. When temp. gets to 40 power comes on and heater runs until it is over 40 and shuts off. Also have a sensor wire that runs to a battery powered red light in the window that comes on if temp gets to 35 for emergencies. Just before season I flush membrane with 200 gallons of fresh water to get rid of preservative.

02-08-2012, 07:27 PM
I keep mine in a heated room. Heat from the electric water heater usually is enough to keep it warm enough. My instructions say to use a LOT more glycol if machine is left unheated.

03-07-2012, 07:50 AM
Im getting my first RO too. Can I take the membrane in the house, drain the rest of the RO, and not heat it?

03-07-2012, 09:09 AM
Im getting my first RO too. Can I take the membrane in the house, drain the rest of the RO, and not heat it?
Short, very short answer is YES