View Full Version : Hello from S.E. Indiana

Murphy's Law
02-08-2012, 12:30 AM
Another new guy with no experience. Last winter I decided to try my luck with one 12" sugar maple and only collected two gallons of sap. I used a large aluminum stock pot on an LP burner as my evaporator. Everything was going fine until I got sidetracked by a visiting relative. I think the pot still has the black syrup residue welded into the bottom.:o

This year has been so goofy with the warm weather I'm not sure when to tap. I'm concerned that I have missed my opportunity. Last week I tapped one 20" tree and only got about 1/2 gal. in 24 hrs.

I look forward to learning from the experienced folks here.

02-08-2012, 06:11 AM
Howdy Murphy - Well - We are going through the strangest Winter - most of us have ever experienced. Watch the temperature forecasts from the Weather Information folks and You will notice the college trained experts - with all the latest equipment - are changing their forecasts almost hour by hour........ Normally in my area - tapping time is 01 March - but with the Spring like weather - I tapped half my trees on the 03 February (most years that would be insane). The other half I'll wait and see what happens. Boiling Sap - as You learned - is a funny thing - boil and noil for hours and not much happens ---but---once You get near surup - you really have to pay attention to business - lol- as you found out. Ha - half a gallon in 24 hours is not bad - some days. How many trees can you tap -- and why are you being so shy about tapping? ----Mike-----

02-08-2012, 06:41 AM
Welcome. I live straight across from you, near the Illinois border. You need to get your taps in now, the best looking forecast of the season is the next 7 days. You've missed some, but not a lot. Don't worry though - you have found a site with a lot of helpful people and you'll be making good syrup very soon with their help.

Murphy's Law
02-08-2012, 06:17 PM
and why are you being so shy about tapping? ----Mike-----
I guess I'm being shy because I do not want to tap a tree after the sap run or too early. But I also do not know if tapping too soon would hurt anything. I have 9 very large mature maple trees to tap but I'm not 100% prepared to process large quantities of syrup yet. I have been very busy building bee hives for the past few weeks when I should have been getting ready with my maple processing stuff. I got my priorities mixed up. Can you tell that I'm new?

Thanks for the welcome, ahowes.

02-09-2012, 02:41 AM
Murphy - Sometimes I forget my manners - especially when sugarin time is near. Welcome Aboard. None of my business how many trees You Tap. Just keep asking questions and share what You know. Have Fun and make some good maple syrup. ----Mike---