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View Full Version : Tubing setup info.

02-07-2012, 05:04 PM
Can anyone steer me towards a good book or site (preferably with pics. and diagrams) on tubing setup. A basic guide for 1st timers would be great. I'm sure this has been discussed on this site before but I can't seem to find the old posts. I won't be installing for this year but would like to try it maybe for next year.

02-07-2012, 05:30 PM
Check out youtube, a number of videos have been posted by individuals setting up tubing. There's also some good testimonial videos on websites from sugarmakers and I think the University of Maine had some posted. You have Cornell with their research center.

There's some good videos on Lapierre's site:

3x10 Inferno Arch
4,000+ Taps
7,5 HP Vacuum pump
Lapierre 600gph RO
3 SS 1500 gallon tanks
24x32 Sugarhouse

02-07-2012, 06:54 PM
Great, thanks! I never thought of you tube! A wealth of information at my fingertips, but my brain is still stuck in the stone age!