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View Full Version : What exactly do you mean by "Spoiled" sap?

02-06-2012, 07:41 PM
So when its said that sap is spoiled, is it meant spoiled from becoming Grade A, or spoiled as in not useable? I have seen sap become cloudy and no question it spoiled. But, I've also heard that you must collect every day or it IS spoiled. It does not look spoiled.

Bucket Head
02-06-2012, 08:12 PM
Spoiled has a couple of meanings in mapleland. Your correct with your first sentence- it means both, sometimes. Cloudy with a sour smell is spoiled. I've boiled cloudy, but odorless sap and made some awfully dark syrup, but it tasted great. Temperature has a lot to with spoiling. Early in the season when temps. are cool, sap does'nt 'spoil' as quickly. Many folks, including me, gather sap for days and then boil when we have enough, or when we have the time to boil it. Later in the season when temps. start to get warmer, the sap will not keep long so boiling it sooner is recomended. "Spoiled" basically is a judgement call. You'll know when its not really boilable anymore.
