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View Full Version : tensioner for vac pump belt

02-06-2012, 08:55 AM
what are folks using to apply tension to belts on gas powered vac pumps. Would like a way to release tension on belts so it is easier to start gas motor on vac pump, then put tension on belts once motor is running. Will be a BB4 and a robin/subaru 7hp motor.

last year used adjustment screws on motor base to release tension on belt, start motor up, then tighten back up but looking for something simpler.

thanks -


02-06-2012, 03:15 PM
When I first used a sp 22 with a 5.5 briggs I would start it no problem with the belts tight.

02-06-2012, 03:34 PM
How about f you put the motor on a hinge and just put a wooden block underneath it and once you start it just pull it out.

02-06-2012, 08:42 PM
I built a tensioner on my gas engine using a couple of the bolt holes on the face of the engine where the shaft comes out. Basically it is just a "balance" arm, with one end having a ball bearing (with appropriate spacers) mounted to bear up on the underside of the belt. The other end of the see-saw is weighted with a chunk of some steel (old wrist pin from a Caterpiller) hanging from an S-hook.
I drilled out the pivot point and welded in a steel sleeve with a brass bushing inside for it to rotate on.
Pics are tough for me, but since you so kindly sent me some info on an SP-11 several years ago, I will try to post some pics tomorrow or ??

maple man
02-06-2012, 09:07 PM
they are called a jack plate amish people us them motor mounts to plate and it slides on to shafts

maple flats
02-22-2012, 06:07 AM
A hinge mount for the engine is easiest. Don't put weight of engine on belt, have an adjustable leg to adjust. I start cold removing belt and put on after engine warms, with engine running, just tilt towards pump, put belt on and then lower engine to tighten belt and run pump. If engine is warm, I start with belt on.