View Full Version : New to Tapping - why did my trees stopped running

02-05-2012, 11:50 AM
I was gearing up to tap my trees at the end of February (I was told that was around the time I would here in WV) and then found this site and the post that everyone was tapping already tapping here in WV.

So I jumped in and tapped some trees on the 29th of January. I got real excited because I did start having sap immediately. Then on the 8th they completely stopped and I havent gotten another drop. I know the temps arent fluctuating to below freezing here anymore. So does this mean I am not going to get any more sap?

I have been looking on the site and the net to see if there is more advice for my area, but this seems to be the only place to have anyone active.

Am I going to have to disappoint the family and wait til next year to get more?

Thank you,


Dennis H.
02-05-2012, 12:03 PM
The trees need the freeze and thaw cycle to keep the sap flowing.
Normally when you get a warm spell the trees will run then slowly tapper off. Once there is another freeze up the trees should get flowing again, it may take a day or two but should get running.

Now after about 5 weeks with the trees tapped when you get warm spells the trees will be starting to seal off that hole and that is when you are almost done.

I would not worry to much this early, they will start again.
Good luck

KV Sappers
02-05-2012, 02:54 PM
I agree with Dennis. My trees stopped for a couple of days but have started to run again. Just hang in there. I'm sure they will start to run again. Good luck to you.

Maple Hobo
02-07-2012, 09:56 PM
With buckets or gravity only system you'll see a lot more stops and starts in your tree flow.
Temperature, percipitation (snow or rain), barometeric pressure and even the wind can influence if they run and how much they flow.
The direction of your property slope and the sun will also impact you.

Vacuum helps you get flows on days you normally wouldn't and more flow on days it does flow.
They will still trickle off and stop time to time.

Document things and you will see the patterns for your trees.

Wait until you see the brix level or sugar content dropping day by day as the season progresses...lol

02-11-2012, 07:20 AM
You are ok with tapping in Jan in Charleston, WV but most other places in the state, January is too early too tap. Next week they will run like gangbusters after this deep freeze and snow.