View Full Version : Season 2013

02-03-2012, 06:01 PM
Ok I know this is alittle early, but, was thinking that this would be a cool thread for everyone to post on a year in advance letting all of us know what your future plans are for the 2013 season. More taps? Bigger evap? New sugarhouse? An RO?? etc etc.. Lets hear it and we will hold you 2 it if you post! haha

02-03-2012, 06:06 PM
What's your plan adk1 or are gonna show us 2015s plan:lol:

02-03-2012, 06:13 PM
2x5 thru tube evaporator(homemade), 12x20 suagr shack, 250+ taps, around 100 taps on vac, maybe selling retail and bulk to my soccer coaches cafe! i hopefully will do all this as long as i make enough money this year. can spend an unlimited amount of money only being 14!


02-03-2012, 06:28 PM
Going to try and make it through 2012 first!

02-03-2012, 06:35 PM
Hopefully some sort of homemade arch like an old oil tank or drum with 20 taps on buckets. Don't see myself growing beyond that, but crazier things have probably occured.

02-03-2012, 06:50 PM
I see the wise-guys decided to post first :) haha. My plan is........TO double my # of taps and install some kind of preheater. that is it.

02-03-2012, 06:50 PM
I said I wouldn't go over a 1/2 pint and 50 buckets.

I'm up to a 2x6, tubing, and 200 taps! :D

Yep... need to update my sig too.

02-03-2012, 08:12 PM
Goal for summer of 2012 is to add 1,000-2,000 taps to production on vacuum. Sugarhouse and equipment is ready to handle up to 15,000 taps so the next three to four summers are already booked.

3x10 Inferno Arch
4,000+ Taps
7,5 HP Vacuum pump
Lapierre 600gph RO
3 SS 1500 gallon tanks
24x32 Sugarhouse

02-04-2012, 10:37 AM
No idea. Next season I should have my bachelors degree and be looking for a real job. If I get hired right out the gate by the company I'm interning for I may not have time for it. There is also a good chance I won't be living where I am right now so that further clouds the matter.

I've already told myself I won't buy anything else until I make and sell enough syrup locally to pay for my expenses. If I make a decent amount this season and have a decent number of trees to tap I would probably go and try to make or buy an evaporator made out of a oil drum or tank. I can't really see myself going beyond 20 taps at this point, collecting and boiling it would be too time consuming.

If I borrowed a chainsaw I should be all set for wood. We still have plenty of white oak and pine but most of the oak left was cut at weird angles so I would need to take a chainsaw to them before I could split them.

02-04-2012, 11:53 AM
I will double or even triple tap counts! Pretty easy goal for 2013, I think. Since the 2012 season has me downgrading. My wife tells me it has to something to do with the new one coming in the next 3 weeks. Oh well, its probably the best reason to downgrade for a season.

Have a great season to all.


backyard sugaring
02-04-2012, 07:51 PM
Adk I am not even ready for this season. Just poured the concrete yesterday, need to set my evaporator and install the flue this week. I had all year to get this done and I am doing it at the last minute again. Good luck everyone. Lee

maple flats
02-05-2012, 06:18 AM
More taps, a bigger RO (?) and be ready for a change.

02-05-2012, 07:04 AM
[QUOTE=500592;174880]What's your plan adk1 or are gonna show us 2015s plan:lol:[/QUOTE

Be Kind 500592 - We have all lived with adk1 during his planning and growth. 2012 has gotta have him a little nervous. He has invested a lot of money and time and hard work into his dream. Now - We have had the Strangest Winter that any of us can remember. What will Maple Season 2012 bring - ??????. To make Maple - we must have Sap..........Kinds scarry -----I know --- lets chat about 2013. ---GrGrandpa Mike

02-05-2012, 07:11 AM
HaHa. I am immune to the "planning" comments now, thank to all of you guys :) Yeah, you could say I am alittle nervous being my first year. I keep tabs on the other producers in my imediate area and they are just scratching their heads..Was gonna kindof follow what they did as far as tapping goes this year. The good thing for me though is that I can be tapped in a matter of hours (130 taps on gravity, 12 on sacks)..Actually, I ahve one more lat to run today then I am gonna get my final count for 2012 on gravity! Thanks for listening guys!