View Full Version : sap collection @ end of mainline

02-02-2012, 07:00 PM
I have two mainlines running in opposite directions. At the end of one I will have a white poly collection tank with a 16" lid. The other mainline will run into an open top poly stock tank.

I'm wondering what people do to cover the 16" opening in the top of the poly tank so nothing gets in. Short of drilling a hole in the lid (wanted to stay away from doing that if possible) and running the mainline through it what other options exist. I was thinking something like a rubber cap that I could put a 3/4" hole through for my mainline.

And... what do people use to cover the top of the stock tank? I was going to frame in some scrap sheet metal and use that as a roof with a hole in it for the mainline.

Just curious what other people do.

02-03-2012, 12:17 PM
With the stock tank, I’m doing exactly as you describe, just adding a metal roof.

My main poly collection tank, instead of putting a hole in it, I am going to plumb the mainline to the bung at the bottom of the tank. Water will find level.

My only concern here is that the line from the end of the main to the bottom of the tank may freeze if I make my collection while the sap is still running. To help here, I think I will set the tank off level a couple of inches leaving the bung on the high side. For a 230 gallon pick-up tank, a rough guess suggests that will be around 15 gallons capacity before the sap reaches the level of the bung.

I plan to leave the lid on, but not tight, to allow air to escape as the tank fills.

02-03-2012, 12:39 PM
i wouldn't recommend putting your mainline in the bottom of the tank. if you leave any sap in the tank and it runs into the mainline its going to freeze the mainline solid and will be a bear to get unfrozen. meanwhile you will have sap flowing and getting backed up into the mainline. allow that sap to flow regardless if your tank sap is frozen. drill a hole in the top of the tank cover. if you ever need the tank for something else just put a bung into the hole or buy a new cover. never good to have your mainline frozen solid.

02-03-2012, 02:42 PM
i wouldn't recommend putting your mainline in the bottom of the tank. if you leave any sap in the tank and it runs into the mainline its going to freeze the mainline solid and will be a bear to get unfrozen. meanwhile you will have sap flowing and getting backed up into the mainline. allow that sap to flow regardless if your tank sap is frozen. drill a hole in the top of the tank cover. if you ever need the tank for something else just put a bung into the hole or buy a new cover. never good to have your mainline frozen solid.

And the air coming out of the line will have to overcome the fluid in the tank.