View Full Version : Willow Creek Sugarhouse 2012

red maples
02-02-2012, 04:04 PM
Well I guess it time for me to get one of these threads going for this year.

The Hood was a bust for this year. Got it all hooked up ready to go. Boiled some water and it started out good but before I even got to full boil the Fan was just simply not strong enough!!! I would say back to the drawing board, but with the 10 day forecast looking good I might as well get going. Besides I need to save my money for the summer with much goings on for the sugarhouse!!!

It has been a crazy winter that we never got. So with mon and tues hitting 40's wed 30's then thurs and friday back to 40's thats already the 10th of feb, 5 days earlier than I tapped the last 2 years. If the forecast changes by then which it can and probably will then we can re-evaluate beofer then. But until then I am a go for monday morning bright and early!!!

Hopefully I will be happy with a good turn out of the little game on sunday. None the less I will smoking a brisket and having some homemade keilbasa some nice frosty boiling sodas and enjoying my first HD superbowl!!! can't wait. GO PATS!!!!:)

02-02-2012, 05:41 PM
Hi Brad, im surprised you held out this long. I thought you would tap in the same time Chris taped. Sorry to hear about the hood. Is there any way that you can set it down on the evaporater. If you can you wont need to have a fan. Keith

02-02-2012, 06:28 PM
The weather here sounds like its gonna run...in the second week in feb. thats insane but i gotta make the syrup while you can. Hoping to start tapping sunday and see where it goes. still have a lot of logging left to do and its 3 weeks earlier than i was planning on. Don't make plans around mother nature, she'll f-you ever time. Pretty hard making a living on mother nature.

red maples
02-03-2012, 06:40 AM
No the way I designed the hood was with the fan. I made the hood to be 6 inches over the sides. I will figure it out eventually. I need 2 air vents in the top and a stonger fan I also have a few 90's in it to help with getting out the coupula without going through the roof... which cutts down the CFM's considerably. IT needds to be a strait pipe all the way out. with more power. but since I am adding onto the sugar house this summer I don't wanna waste anymore time on the design and as will be punch through the roof when I move the evap back 6 feet and put in a new design and stronger fan for the hood. Just don't have the time to waste on it now. Just have to put the plastic back up on the one side of the roof and it will be fine.

Yeah sugarin' mam I was expecting to have a few another wekk and a 1/2 too 2 as well but I am very afraid with this being such a warm winter the trees are going to bud. Belive it or not Even though chris's place is about a 15 minutes ride south/ east? of me I seem to be quite a bit colder than him. at least 5 degrees most of the time I still have a little snow on the ground he just has a few patches of ice.

Since monday looks so good for sap I might try to get in 200 taps starting early sunday morning then finish up the remainders on sunday. I think I am gonna wait just a little to get the gavity stuff tapped. they usually start running a little later although it is a strange year none the less.

red maples
02-04-2012, 02:56 PM
Well spent a 3-4 hours getting stuff hooked up last minute conections...vac pump all set, I still have to clean out the releaser really good, but everything else is just about ready just a quick tank rinse and thats it. Tomorrow we'll walk the lines make any last minute adjustments and we are off and running!!!

Hoping to get in at least 150 taps tomorrow...man it just feels way to early...

wanna keep going to fay but I have to go to a stupid pot luck!!! don't really wanna go

red maples
02-06-2012, 05:15 PM
Well ended up getting in about 175 taps sap is running pretty good up to about 40ish gallons of sap which isn't bad for the amount of time the taps have been in. and of those 175 taps about 50 are not online yet I have too much squirrel damage and need to replace a few more drops and tee's and a few saddles as well. I think since there were so little nuts this year they just went crazy on the tubing. I also lost about 1-1/2 hrs got a call from my Mom right after lunch she has cancer. So she has a few more tests to go this week and then she starts Chemo (sp?) next week.... SO I am not a biblical following guy but please keep her in your Prayer and thoughts for those who are.

Have to replum my transfer pump it won't pull right so we'll see I guess its a good thing to go a little early so we can work out the bugs right... Hopefully I can ge tthat sorted out tomorrow. and finish tapping.

Alright I am beat...and my knees are killing me!!! not used to wearing the heavy winter boots I hardly wore them all winter and then wore them all day!!!! BLAH..

KV Sappers
02-06-2012, 06:06 PM
Sorry to hear about your mother. Will keep her in our prayers.

red maples
02-07-2012, 03:41 PM
Well just about all the taps are in!!!! Feb. 7th who would have thunk it!!! between what I got after I dumped yesterday...eeeewwww some nasty green stuff there!!! anyway, got close to 200 gallons of sap today have no idea what the % sugar is. It was really running good even my cold woods were running good Vacuum's running good holding at about 23-24" so sap was coming in really strong for a while it slacked off a little bit its about 38* right now. Still have to walk lines and find leaks and did find 2 hollow trees whan I was tapping so that should help!!! I put in all but about 30 taps which those are my lowest on the trees so the kids can help me tap those hopefully thursday after school.

Sweetening the pans tomorrow. supposed to be cooler tomorrow not expecting too much sap but thursday and friday look pretty good!!! then big freeze for the weekend then warm up again by mid next week. still working out some bugs out of my transfer pump set up. trying not to gush anymore $$$ into fittings and more tubing hopefully I can get it all figured out tomorrow and or thrusday!!!

But again good thing its going early so I can work out the those bugs..... I'll get it!!!

red maples
02-08-2012, 03:27 PM
OK so was around 15 degrees or so last night, so of course it took forever for everything to thaw today. It only got to about 35-36* so very little sap only about 35-40 gallons. boiled a little once everything finally decided to get moving can't tranfer sap that is frozen in the lines. I have a heat wire on the pimp so that doesn't freeze I might get some more of those they work great!!!

Like I said I did boil a little just enough to get a a sugary flavor in the front pans, then had to go pick up my son from school. gonna need to get some one to drive home when sap is high!!! have to pay them off in syrup I guess!!!

But just working out the bugs and be ready for a decient amount of sap over the next 2 days really hoping to have 5 gallons of syrup by Friday night probably late late night. wanna get everything boiled off by friday night for the big feeze up sat, sun, mon, don't wanna have to wait for a block of sap to thaw!!!

Russell Lampron
02-08-2012, 06:23 PM
Looks like you have to change your signature. Sugaring season is here. It's good to see that you are getting some sap and that you are getting the bugs worked out.

02-08-2012, 07:14 PM
Your making me feel better about not tapping yet Brad. Looks a like an on and off week coming up. How's your sugar content looking?

red maples
02-09-2012, 09:40 AM
sugar seems to be pretty low. but we'll see how things progress you better get tapping for this weekend dill Temps look great for weds. on next week and I am expecting BIG sap today and tomorrow!!! I'l get my signature done right now!!!

02-09-2012, 09:45 AM
Anything on gravity or buckets yet Brad?

02-09-2012, 09:59 AM
I'm putting the gravity taps in this weekend. The owner of my vac bush is still on vacation so I don't have anywhere to plug in the vacuum pump.

red maples
02-09-2012, 12:29 PM
I didn't put gravity up yet kinda trying to stay away from the old buckets gonna get the rest on gravity tubing. I think I might do just 1 tree on a bucket its kindof a bum tree sugar maple too but for some reason 2 years in a row thing thing doesn't like to give up sap!!?? I still think its a bit early for those anyway they are going in monday or tuesday.

Sap coming in a little slowly. Ground is pretty frozen since we have no snow insulator I think. just getting sap from swamp tree I think. Hopefully it will come in stronger this afternoon. Boiled out what I had in 2 1/2 hrs I'll get back at it later tonight and finish out what I get today. Hoping for 150 g's today!!! but we'll see how it goes. no draw off yet but flavor is very vanilla sugar like so far but still have a ways togo.

red maples
02-10-2012, 06:09 AM
Yesterday I only ended up with about 75 gallons I think the ground is just a little frozen still and is effecting the water draw from the roots. In any case I straight out don't trust my sap hydro. Its reporting 0% to .5 % sugar but I got my pans sweetened with just over 200 gallons so I am guess thats about 2+ % last year it took me 300 gallons to even get a draw off. I'll take that any day with my trees. got a draw off about 1/2 gallon which I wanted to anyway brought it in the house to finish on the stove and ened up with awesome very light side of medium. just did a quick filter though so it was a little cloudy. with a better filtering I guess it would be very close to light. Beautiful vanilla flavor. I don't really want light though...nobody wants it!!!(except one person who thinks light is less sugar HA!! ) what ever they are from NC!! but I have a few medium grade customers and I think medium makes better flavored confections anyway!!!

today is gonna be tough boiling though. have to try to get all done tonight after "father daughter" dance at school. so be back in the sugar house about 10:00 dragging my butt for a few hours. then sleep in on Saturday!!!!

And one last thing which never fails I got my maple season COLD!!! sore throat etc etc etc. OH MAN!!!

red maples
02-11-2012, 07:59 AM
I could just pull up a chair and watch the releaser!!! It was running pretty good by the end of the day, not real hard. Got about 200 gals yesterday. there was slush in the releaser manifold last night so I shut down 33* at 10 PM woke up to 36* checked out the releaser no slush so I turned it back on its still coming in but slow! I was feeling like a bag of smashed buttholes last night so I slept. so we'll tackle that this afternoon. with the little I had left over yesterday + yesterdays + todays I should have 300 + gallons to take care of Pans are 100% sweet should have a few gallons of syrup by tonight I am sure .

Thought we were gonna have some snow by this morning...nope! maybe pick up an inch today so the weather channel says!!!

Happy boiling and tapping everybody...great sap weather here by Tuesday through the end of the week!!! Season's here get on it!!!

02-11-2012, 12:15 PM
I am in Portsmouth, so not too far away. This will be our second year, but I am unsure with the weather we have had if we should tap this week or wait a week. Any advice would be grateful.

red maples
02-11-2012, 06:59 PM
I am in Portsmouth, so not too far away. This will be our second year, but I am unsure with the weather we have had if we should tap this week or wait a week. Any advice would be grateful.

I would tap sunday or monday!!! I am planning on tapping my gravity lines on Monday. at this time of year besides the mapletrader.com I visit the weatherchannel.com for the 10 days forecast about just as often as I check my email!!! as soon as you start to see the 40's/20's its time to tap. and starting tuesday its gonna be 40's/ 20's for as far I the corscast goes at least thats what it said yesterday its probably different today!!!

SOOOO I still didn't get a draw off I ran out of time boiling thought I had things sweeter than I did I guess. its very close though. with this cold it takes like warm liquid no flavor BLAH!!! man when its chilly out and overcast and no breeze man that steam goes 100+ feet in the air just awe-some to watch!!!

Managed to get 50-60 gallons of sap today. Didn't really get a freeze last had we I think it would have been a better day. I missed about 3 hours of it though when I was at my daughters basketball game stupid releaser backed up!!! POS!!! I am gonna bring it in tomorrow or monday and give a really good cleaning. But I still have about 100 gallons and I'll bang that out in the morning. Time for a shower and a little TV. Night everybody!!!

Its Nice when you get back into the swing of things and get a good rhythm going!!!

red maples
02-14-2012, 01:58 PM
Only have a quick second. Happy V-day everybody hope you get lots of sweets!!!

got a few gallons yesterday, and barely anything today. after the hard freeze from the weekend its gonna take a little time to get things going I think and these clouds don't help much. Was feeling pretty bad this morning so I only went out for a about an hour to work on some of the gravity tubing. fixed some squirrel damage ran a little more tubing to pick a few more trees on gravity instead of buckets.

Still sitting on 75+ gallons of 1/2 frozen sap that I can't do much with well because its frozen!!! Hopefully it will be thawed enough by tomorrow I can boil it out its fine its been so cold. but don't wanna wait too much longer to get it boiled out!!! sap is sap after all right!!!

red maples
02-15-2012, 12:32 PM
Was finally able to boil out the ice concentrated sap today. and was able to finally draw off about 3 gallons looks like medium. I hate when the evap sits for a few days and then when you get it boiling it gets that stale smell to flue pan!!!

But it was nice to get some syrup today. got just about everything de-iced. I decided to boil that off since the saps not running anyway. I still have about 20 or so taps to put on the gravity trees across the street!!! Hit those this afternoon hopefully. shouldn't take long as long as the squirrels didn't chew things up.

red maples
02-18-2012, 06:48 PM
Managed to get about 230 gallons of sap from thursday AM to friday at freeze up. boiled that off. thursday and friday. few hours each day. boiled off another 140 gals today. Sap was running pretty good for a while but slowed towards the end of the day it still coming in but very slow. my cold trees are still running pretty slow Ground is pretty hard back there even after the sun today. should manage about 140 or so gallons of sap today we'll see whats in the tanks a little later.

Syrup to date about 4 gallons of medium and 2 gallons of just a hair over the medium line into dark. building up a little dark niter so I will filter that out tomorrow morning quick before we get going!!!

Haven't had that really good run yet in one day that is. Walked the lines today found 1 loose saddle thats it was pulling 26 today!!! happy with that.

FYI the 150 gallon poly tanks that bascom's has I finally graduated them yesterday using 55 gallon drum and transfered sap. The most I could get into 135 gals not 150 as marked that is give or take 10 gallons even that is 145 max. So that mean most of my numbers for last year are off. It is what it is I guess. so we are off to a decient year so far I just have my fingers crossed it keeps going!!!

I think we are set up for a march blizzard. We are so overdue for a blizzard in general adding in that we got very little snow this year I think we are in for heck of storm sooner or later in march...I'll take early counting a big maple weekend again!!!

Sounds like everyone is getting dialed in and having fun!!!

red maples
02-20-2012, 11:37 AM
Alrighty hit 9 gallons just shy of 10 I will get that maybe tomorrow if I have enough sap to boil that is. yesterday managed only 90 gallons and today hmmmm hard to say it started late like yesterday and is coming in slow we hit 40 but for how long??? and the sun is out too. big warm up coming 50's should really get things going I hope!!! but I can't complain got close to 10 gallons finished syrup not including whats in the pans and it only feb 20th.

doing a little work on the sugarhouse today open things up just a little. Makes a big difference. looks so much bigger on the inside and you don't have to walk sideways to get arounf the evap. LIKE IT!! much safer too!!!

Clicked on "what's new" OH man liek 5 pages blah for get it!!! no time for that!!! and the first thread can I store sap in trash cans. OK I was very green newbie once too but geez how many times.........

Russell Lampron
02-20-2012, 06:13 PM
Alrighty hit 9 gallons just shy of 10 I will get that maybe tomorrow if I have enough sap to boil that is. yesterday managed only 90 gallons and today hmmmm hard to say it started late like yesterday and is coming in slow we hit 40 but for how long??? and the sun is out too. big warm up coming 50's should really get things going I hope!!! but I can't complain got close to 10 gallons finished syrup not including whats in the pans and it only feb 20th.

doing a little work on the sugarhouse today open things up just a little. Makes a big difference. looks so much bigger on the inside and you don't have to walk sideways to get arounf the evap. LIKE IT!! much safer too!!!

Clicked on "what's new" OH man liek 5 pages blah for get it!!! no time for that!!! and the first thread can I store sap in trash cans. OK I was very green newbie once too but geez how many times.........

I'm glad to see that things are going well for you too. I am at 7 gallons but have 400 gallons of sap in the tank for tomorrow. It looks like the sap should start flowing good by the end of the week.

I'm with you on some of the repeat topics and such.

red maples
02-21-2012, 08:44 AM
Yeah I can't wait been waiting for the big run!!! didn't get much yesterday late start for sap and early finish!!! Really hoping things break loose these next few days!!! Will be flirting with freezing temps I am usually a few degrees colder than all the surrounding areas close to my house. sometimes as much as 7-8* so we'll have to see how things pan out. I only got 50 Gals yesterday!!!

02-21-2012, 08:50 AM
This early a bit of elevation makes a huge difference. It was a cold 33 in my vac bush yesterday it was running but barely. Head down to 125 in epping and its not as windy and 39.
I agree with Russ, its early, heck its president's day, barely halfway through Feb.

02-21-2012, 09:21 AM
We got about the same thing here Brad around 50 gallons. Down in the woods where the releaser is can be as much as 6 degrees colder than at the house (1600 feet away). The snow and ice in the woods is almost gone now. So with the temps they predict. When it does flow its going to gush. Keith

red maples
02-22-2012, 10:44 AM
Got 115 gallons yesterday!!! combined with 65 I had had boile dthat all off that off early this morning lit the Evap at 4:15am morning, did a cleaning through out. Time for a shower and a nap lunch then pick up my buddy at school!!! I am a morning person and love boiling Early (also keeps me from drinking too many boiling sodas)!!! hate boiling later at night!!!

63.5 gallons left to make to meet my goal!!! and getting close to the weigth loss goal it up to 6lbs!!! love maple season.

Russell Lampron
02-22-2012, 11:19 AM
Got 115 gallons yesterday!!! combined with 65 I had had boile dthat all off that off early this morning lit the Evap at 4:15am morning, did a cleaning through out. Time for a shower and a nap lunch then pick up my buddy at school!!! I am a morning person and love boiling Early (also keeps me from drinking too many boiling sodas)!!! hate boiling later at night!!!

63.5 gallons left to make to meet my goal!!! and getting close to the weigth loss goal it up to 6lbs!!! love maple season.

I always seem to drop a few pounds during sugaring season despite the additional intake of maple syrup and boiling sodas. It didn't thaw fast enough to get much of a run here yesterday. It is doing pretty good today though.

red maples
02-22-2012, 04:16 PM
This year I vowed to not drink so many boiling sodas!!!! maple syrup you can help but the last few years I would end up with anywhere from 4-6 sodas during a boil they just go down so fast before you know ....whoops!!! wow did I drink that much!!! :rolleyes: sap was coming really good for a while but it slowed a bit!!! but it should run all night!!!

02-22-2012, 08:20 PM
I always seem to drop a few pounds during sugaring season despite the additional intake of maple syrup and boiling sodas. It didn't thaw fast enough to get much of a run here yesterday. It is doing pretty good today though.
Some of us need to lose the weight during sugaring season, you don't have much to spare Russ.

02-22-2012, 09:40 PM
"This year I vowed to not drink so many boiling sodas!!!"


Amber Gold
02-23-2012, 10:38 AM
I usually lose 10-15 lbs during the season...not sure where it all goes.

Brad, just down in Kingston today for work. If someone wanted to, they could do a hell of a bucket run in downtown Kingston, there's lots of nice looking sugars down there.

red maples
02-23-2012, 11:28 AM
I thought there was someone that does tap those already???? where exactly are you talking about do you know a road name??? I know there is a guy in kingston that has something like 200+ buckets If I remember correctly he over taps pretty bad I remember seeing 5-6 buckets on a big maple!!!

red maples
02-23-2012, 11:30 AM
"This year I vowed to not drink so many boiling sodas!!!"


No not a freak!!! Just like beer too much!!! There's nothing better than a maple shot with a beer chaser and sap cooked hot dogs!!! :)

red maples
02-23-2012, 11:31 AM
Some of us need to lose the weight during sugaring season, you don't have much to spare Russ.

Yeah I'll say if he looses too much he'll start loosing bone!!! :lol:

02-23-2012, 11:35 AM
"Just like beer too much!!!"

There is no such thing.

Don't ask me how I know

02-23-2012, 11:55 AM
Anything happening with gravity and buckets Brad?

red maples
02-24-2012, 06:51 PM
Well 2 day total between vac and gravity is a whopping 90 gallons we'll get that boiled off tomorrow. only got 30 gallons of sap today....blah!!! I gave up turned off the Vacuum pump probably cost more to run the vac than what I am getting for sap now!!! No freeze up for several nights now so hopefully with this much needed rain and these warm days to help things along the next 20/40 night/day we'll get a mother load at least I hope so!!! had maybe 1 decient run and that took 2 days to get!!! I know its still early but like everybody else just anxious to get that syrup made and alot of it!!!

Anything happening with gravity and buckets Brad?
It started out good but since we haven't had a good freeze in several days and the ground is still frozen I haven't got much!!! but it's very sweet tough 3-4% I wish I had more out if.

red maples
02-26-2012, 04:29 AM
Hope everybody's doing good and makin' lots of the sweet sweet goodness!!!

Not much sap...no good freezes. ended up with 70 gallons yesterday. We had a very light freeze night before last so trees gave up a little more yesterday. but went from a very very light dark almost medium rigth on the edge to grade B. I am sure we'll get back there this week after we get a few freezes. no freezes and 50's for 2-3 days that will happen. creeping up on the 20 gallon mark. just need to top off 1 more 5er.

This week looks good don't kow about today though wind combines with the return of winter, only forecasted to 36* not expecting too much after a much needed 20* night!!!. we'll see.

Feels like mid march not end of Feb!!!

02-26-2012, 07:35 AM
From the North country: Was able to get 1,100 gallons on the 23rd tested at 2.25 percent for the first run of the year. Got ten inches of snow Friday night/Saturday and temperatures are in the 20s so maybe Tuesday or Wednesday.

red maples
02-26-2012, 04:48 PM
I think we all got a good freeze last night. and today was just too cold and windy hit 35* that was it trees never even let loose today!!! tried the Vac 3 times and nothing kept getting slush. So I gave up. ITs already 30* Tomorrow should be a good day I hope. I will be leaving the releaser alone all day I hope it functions good!!! I am taking the kids to the boston Aquarium, My Wife will be in and out but she's knows nothing about the releaser if it backs up!!! I'll just do my usual daily clean out and hope for the best!!!

red maples
02-28-2012, 05:35 PM
Well the forcast has changes several times in the last few hours. what ever snow rain what ever......

I think I had the best run since the big freeze a couple of weeks back. actually broke 125 gallons total for a single day. Had issues with the releaser but no backups as I was outside boiling and kept checking on it anyway. After I was done boiling I took it in the house and took it all apart got in every little cranny with a brush got everything cleaned out and works like new again. no more problems all day. missed about an hour of sap but at least it wasn't sticking open!!!

should be freezing up in a few minutes its 32 right now!!!

Had nice day in boston with the kids yesterday, Wife came too. Went to the aquarium, got lost on the way. (used to drive there everyday when the big dig was going on. now I can't find my way around without construction going on). went to faneuil sp? hall, Dinner st legal seafood ironically located right across the street from the aquarium. but good none the less. my daughter said she would pay for our next trip into boston until I told her how much it cost then her tune changed. IT was nice it was empty MA school vacation was last week.

down 7 pounds since the start of the season.

02-28-2012, 06:21 PM
Hi Brad' ran alittle here today also. I'd say about the same as you 125 gallons. Boiled off the 200 we had from the weekend. Have not graded it yet. Looks like medium though. You can thank my wife for the snow. She's the one that said ([B]It just don't feel like mapling without snow).Keith

02-28-2012, 07:52 PM
I havent had a decent flow yet from my gravity tubing. Lines predominatly have been frozen up enough not to allow the sap to enter the mainline. Ice ring in the tank.

red maples
02-29-2012, 09:26 AM
10 day forecast doesn't look too exciting for big sap. cold snow for 2 days the decient sap weather for a few days then warm up without freezing temps for a few days. although that could change. most of the time I am colder anyway watched the Temp drop 12 * the other day from RT95 to my house (15 + minutes drive) So I might get freezes and it might be better but 5 days out is a long time when youn your talking a few degrees.

Although with this last few freeze ups my grade is dropping back down. getting back to mid dark now. Hoping to get back to medium for a bit but it doesn't look too promising.

The temp says 35* but everything is still frozen up pretty tight knocked ice drip off the releaser flap only to have it form again. nothings coming in and the laterals are still frozen. Boiled off everything this morning got a good early start... have too much stuff to do for the snow. Last firing was at 7:30 this morning hit good numbers for me 34 gal/hour. It nice when you can hit those few extra gals per hour seems to make a big difference from those sluggish wet wood days!!! they seem to last for ever.

red maples
03-03-2012, 07:57 PM
Well at least taking the no boiling time and getting some other stuff done bottled up a few gallons of syrup, doing some more tomorrow, bottled up 40lbs of honey, made a batch of cream which came out awe-some if I do say so myself. And some really addicting maple coated nuts. Tomorrow I will bottle up a some more and make a little candy.

Saved 10 gallonsof sap from the other day and added it to the Evap and just brought it up to a boil quick and shut it down to kill anything growing in there. managed to get a little sap today not much maybe 30 gallons but looking forward to tomorrow hopefully things will get going before Tuesdays freeze up. 10 day is looking better all the time although who knows really it has changed so many times!!! what ever happens happens....RIGHT?

red maples
03-04-2012, 03:48 PM
Well Got some candy done, straightened up the sugarhouse a little, the floor needs a scrub, but I'll do that next boil. bottled up 5 gallons of dark A. Good thing I did some bottling Guy came buy that came for maple weekend last year and bought 2 gallons Gr B today. he said he wanted to make sure he got some, he wanted to buy more last year but I was close to selling out. He had Maine plates. I gave a him a sample and he said he said it was excellent..I Think I like last years better it was a little more buttery.

got a few gallons of sap early and then everything kinda shut off. couldn't figure out why... Waited a little checked again not a drop coming out actually the manifold was pretty dry 27" vac whats going on???!!! So I looked in the main line feeding in which looked empty...upon further review it was completely full. I have a PVC coupler conection coming about a foot off the relaser was frozen solid. Sap was running but I missed a few hours of it s... happens... took it apart cleared out the ice hooked it back up and the releaser dumped at least 5-6 times in a few minutes. and now its flowing out pretty good.

Big freeze coming tonight and only 33* tomorrow so we'll see when we will have enough sap!!! I am ready bring it already!!!

red maples
03-07-2012, 01:24 PM
FINALLY!!!! Its nice to see the sap coming in and my little releaser dumping every 2-1/2 to 3 minutes. up to 75 gallons already today. I am hoping for the mother load of sap through this weekend as next week looks like it might shut down for a while again but you never know all it takes is 1 freeze to get the sap going again. I won't call it quits this year until the last drop comes out of the tree or I start making really nasty syrup!!!! made about 3-4 gallons grade B the last few days but I think its because I was waiting for enough sap to do something with. Hopefully todays will be lighter since we had the hard freezes the last few nights. we'll see.

03-07-2012, 01:59 PM
At least you've been boiling, my fire's been out since tuesday. I've got sap in the tanks but its been froze solid in a block.
The run here didn't start until 1, but it looks like a busy 5 days coming up to say the least. May your sugar's be high Brad!

red maples
03-07-2012, 07:16 PM
boy I hope so.....Sun has been very warm!!!! Even when I get 50 - 75 gallons I boil it off even though it may be just a few hours I don't want the freeze ups like you have I had those a few weeks ago and it takes for ever for it to thaw!!!

Hope you make lots of syrup as well bud!!! andI am sure you'll be busy too !!!!

red maples
03-08-2012, 06:40 AM
Good sap yesterday but this weekend might be the last hurrah!!! and that sucks...awful year 1 good run so far terrible!!! looks like the end might be tuesday or wednesday if the forecast doesn't change!!! just have to wait and see!!! So much for a new evaporator this year....no way I can swing that one....at this rate I will run out of syrup on maple weekend!!!

03-08-2012, 07:10 AM
Looks like Chris is the only one around here to have a banner season.

red maples
03-08-2012, 11:56 AM
Yeah but he tapped back in Jan.

Amber Gold
03-08-2012, 12:05 PM
Season's not over yet, it's just getting started...keep the faith.

red maples
03-08-2012, 06:10 PM
I know I am trying!!!

Was in the sugarhouse for total of 9-10 hours today!! I wish it was all at once but started really early, then stopped to ket the kids off to school, started up again, then stopped to eat some lunch and go pick up my son from school, came back cleaned a bit did a few things went to pick up my daughter from school. then boiled for a few more hours...I don't even remember how much I got the last 2 days... all I know is the sugar is really starting to drop off but the sap is still coming in both gravity and vac. well over 400 gallons probably closer to 5. missed about 4-5 hours last night **** releaser backed up grrrrrrrr!!!

Was Hot in the sugarhouse today boy!!!!

I think it like to not work when the vac it too hig...it wanted to run at 27" last night and it was too much and was holding the float up. So I actually backed it off a bit tonight to see and it seams to be running good @ 24" we'll see sap is still coming in though. I made 4 gallons of dark before it went to B .

OK need to eat and wash out filters shower ....again... and hit the sack another early morning tomorrow!!!

red maples
03-09-2012, 10:35 AM
A little tired but having fun.........hope it keeps up for a while!!!

I think I got about 600 gallons since wed, mid morning. not including a little from last night and the morning. it has really slowed down alot but its still coming in. need a freeze to get things going agian.

into so really good tasting B now really good private stock good.

Girl scouts coming tomorrow. Should be a fun time. Got the sugarhouse all spiffed up, floor scrubbed oh that was a dirty one!!! wiped everything down stocked it a little I'll fill it tommorrow need to set a trap in there had a few bags of maple nuts in there chewed up **** mice!!!

Anyway hopeeveryone else is drowning in sap as well!!! have fun!!!

red maples
03-10-2012, 07:42 PM
Alright still having fun but officially very tired!!! and tonight we loose an hour of sleep I need that like hole in the head.

Got a pretty good freeze last night much needed after all that warm. Got all caught up just have the 100 gallons in the tank that I got today it never really warmed up enoiugh to really get going today. sugar tanked too. but still making syrup. Good freeze tonight and looks like it will be about it I guess just run the vac til the sap stops coming in!!!

I taps some birch trees stil got alot of wood left make a few gallons of that I guess. but need to collect that in buckets. we'll see how that goes maybe I will boil birch sap for maple weekend????

Had Kingston Girl scouts in that was fun and a maple weekend warm up... sold $200 worth of product. so not a bad day!!

Good night happy boiling !!!

red maples
03-12-2012, 06:01 AM
Got all caught up on sap yesterday and was boiling right in line with sap coming until I passed the flow coming in and had to shut down. Didn't get as much sap on saturday as I thought we would get but I guess after close to 800 gallons in 3 days running for what ever hours thats was what can you expect. Yesterday was much better running about 250 I think still have bring over gravity today. Sap started coming clear but by afternoon cloudy and turning a slight yellow too syrup still tastes good though and niter is darkening very quickly. not as much niter as the past 2 years I have to say!!!

I did get a very light frost last night too. the 90* elbow going from the manifold to the main float container on the releaser froze up so everything backed up of course got everything thawed out and the no sap was coming in so I guess things are froze up further out. So I shut off the pump for now. I think I am going to put a fan out there to help keep things cool as it will hit close to 70* today.

03-12-2012, 06:03 AM
yesterday's run in Haverhill looks a little cloudy...I will boil it and hope for the best, but then I'm pulling my taps

red maples
03-13-2012, 04:23 PM
yeah very cloudy nasty sap. pretty much done. Sap was barely coming in this morning let it run for an hour and 1/2 and releaser dumped 2-3 times and sap tasted not so good coming out of the releaser, syrup seems OK but shut 'er down this morning. So unless I we get a a freeze wed and thursday night I am pretty much done and buds have swelled to twice their size in the last few days. on the early budding yard trees some are still small and tight. I think there is still frost in the ground in some spots thats why they haven't swelled yet. I tapped 1 birch tree but no sap yet so that pretty much means ground is still frozen my guess anyway.

I am at 39 gallons + 3-4 gallons in the Evap from almost exactly 10 gallons per tap. was hoping for a really good year but well it is what it is I guess...but I will give it a few more days and see what happens hey you never know. Tanks are very nasty with grossness and bugs blah. I'll give everything a good cleanout tomorrow. Run a bunch of water through all the transfer pump lines and get everything nice and clean again.

If there is no sap by friday I will finish out the evap and call it a season and just wait for the birch to run and tap a few see what I get. Hard to beleive there is still a little under 2 weeks til maple weekend!!!

BC Birch Tapper
03-13-2012, 09:36 PM
You'll get better flow from the birch if you tap after they are flowing instead of tapping while they are dry. Watch the creeks & ponds for the ground to thaw as when they fill up it's time to tap. Enjoy

red maples
03-14-2012, 07:19 AM
Problem with the ponds and creeks there is nothing to fill them up!!! We will have no snow melt this and there except for the really bad wake you up thunder storm lat night there is 1 day of rain predicted in the 10 days. which worries me about a possible drought and brush fires levels higher than normal. This is usually our flood rain time with melting snow and heavy rains. the strange weird weather continues.

red maples
03-15-2012, 06:58 AM
Done here...so no sap since tuesday ...finishing off the pans today I was holding out hoping for a freeze at the very least a frost but nothing. no freezes since last saturday. bummer of season should finish out with about 42-43 gallons. And maple weekend is still a week and and 1/2 away!!! had almost exactly 10 gallons per tap on Vacuum and the gravity was just just aweful at some where around 6-7 gallons per tap. It is what it is I guess. only really 2-3 really good runs this season. Again very strange fall in to a strange winter and probably going right into an early strange spring.

I hope just hope we aren't going to get a really late freeze like what happened a few years ago not so much for me but for the fruit orchards. could be no apples this fall!!! and no snow melt or real rain in the forcast brush fires and a possible drought looks pretty grim int he future this year!!!! but theres always next hopefully!!!

Expanding the sugarhouse this year adding on a wood shed and adding on a sap room and hopefully 100 or so more taps. rebricking the arch and adding in forced air. adding on to the chicken coupe, building a new meat bird coupe and going up to 50 meat birds for this year. as free range as possible and all organic!!! busy year!!!

See ya next season....well for this thread anyway!!!

03-15-2012, 07:09 AM
Very little run yesterday here and noticed some cloudy. Below freezing here last night in East Plainfield and going to leave up until Friday and if nothing pull it down and start to clean up. Short 20 gallons from last year. Like said no snow pac and seems no moisture. Rained a little here last night before temps dropped.

red maples
03-15-2012, 11:44 AM
yeah I am only down 13 gallons from last year although last year I should have made more syrup but just plain ran out of wood!!! made sure that will never happen again!!! but it was sad I put in the last pieces of wood to cook out the last of the pans ...(just boiling water in the back pan to finish out in the syrup pan). Still alot of cleaning to do and stuff to get done over the next week and a 1/2 to get ready for maple weekend.

03-15-2012, 11:48 AM
Brad what are you going to charge this year? The guy next to me with 9000 taps has made less than half of last year. Were talking about going to 25 a quart here. Keith

red maples
03-15-2012, 12:06 PM
what were you charging??? I charge....

1/2 pt...7
1/2 gallons...32

I was thinking about charging $1 more across the board. but not sure if I wanna to that or not I am a little nervous to raise prices. I am still charging the current old prices but I would say if everyone was going to raise prices including Josh, and russ and I think there is one more guy by me in brentwood that I know of...not sure what sugarmomma's prices are but I would go up then too.

I just did a quick search and I think I am gonna raise prices...alot of people are $1 to $2 more than me...josh is right in line with me. SO I think I will start on maple weekend!!!

03-15-2012, 12:50 PM
Sugarmomma is whatever the drum of syrup costs her. And let me tell you there is a pile out behind her place.
I'm staying put on price, but I've been higher than you for a while. Sorry to hear your calling it quits, but I'll be right behind you I think. I haven't even got sap to boil since monday night.

Amber Gold
03-15-2012, 06:31 PM
I'm undecided on my prices. I'll have to buy syrup this year and it'll depend on what my supplier does on his prices. If he goes up, then I'll go up.

Keith, who's 9k taps and down the street?

03-15-2012, 07:32 PM
Pearl and son's maple. If you look out my back window you can see half his sugar bush. My son is working for him right now. Were not done here yet but close. A freeze tonight would be good. We had 33 this morning at the house never cheched the woods. Any one looking for a place to go mudding. The road over here is about 2 feet deep. Were using the tractor to get out to the pavement. Brad are prices were 60 gallon, 34 1/2 gallon, 18 quart and 11 for a pint. Keith

Russell Lampron
03-16-2012, 05:24 AM
I'm charging $50/gal, $30/1/2 gal, $18/qt, and $10/pt. I just raised my prices for the first time in 3 years. I sold most of my surplus to Bascoms in January to empty my storage containers for this year. Wish I had kept it now. Surprisingly I am still getting sap here. Went down to check the tank last night and pumped up 375 gallons. The sap was still coming in and the vacuum pump is still on. If I remember right, the last freeze here was Sunday night.

red maples
03-16-2012, 06:41 AM
Glad you guys are still getting sap...I think its gonna be a tough year for everyone. I will have to buy some this year as well but we'll what he made and what the prices are. The weather has been wacky even in canada and if we are warming up this quick even the north country is warming quickly they are still doing just OK but big warm ups coming very soon. Once the surplus from last year is used up I assume the bulk prices will be going up as well. I was really hoping this was going to go longer but again you can't predict it.

Starting maple weekend I am going to go up by $1 across the board. Ben Fisk, folsom's and others are at are $11-12 pints and $19-20 per qt. So I am pretty sure sugar momma was $19 a qt last year if I remember correctly. So I guess its time to follow suit. Most my customers were surprised I charge so little for my syrup. Which I always thought was pretty fair and competetive with all you guys I'm not selling oil so no need to price gouge. So with this bad season I hope they don't mind. but what's a $1 dollar anyway.

I am a little cheaper on my honey as well most people I know are at $5/lb which I think is out rageous but people are paying for it I guess. I sell mine for $4/lb reguardless of size and seems to be flying out the door. I don't know my excact crop size from last year I would have to back and see what I sold but I had over 100 lbs of honey and I have about 30+ left and I am guessing most of that will gone maple weekend. 1 of my hives faired very well over the winter and is now foraging and doing very well hopefully I can get in there on monday (should be about 70*) and start to clean things out see if there are any eggs yet. start feeding them pollen so I can split the hive ASAP.

Amber Gold
03-16-2012, 07:46 AM
Keith, didn't realize you were so close to Loudon Ridge Road...good place to be if you want to sugar.

03-16-2012, 08:06 AM
Hi Brad, not sure who told you honey was $5 a pound. We do 2 differant farmers markets and the cheapist honey is $8 dollars a pound. Sold by Ben & Bev Chadwick. You may now him he's the states bee apiary inspector. I also think he is the largest in NH. When we sell are honey we get $10 a pound and sell out in no time. You should have had broad in your hive's at the turn of febuary and were feeding at that time. You must go to the sea coast bee keepers meetings? We had a heavy frost here last night and sap is coming in pretty good right now. Looks like this is the last weekend for us. Not sure on the totals yet. But I beleive it's more than last year. Witch we had to quit early do to mud and wood shortage. Keith

Amber Gold
03-16-2012, 09:28 AM
Nothing against honey producers, but I never understood why honey costs so much. If it's $10/lb, it's about $120/gal. Retail syrup's at ~$5.50/lb or $60/gal and has far, far less money and time in the collection and processing of the end product. I don't get it, but we still buy it anyways. I think honey would've been a better business to get into. Also, the honey season's longer, so if part of your season isn't good (lots of rain or something), hopefully you can make it up somewhere else in the season.

03-16-2012, 09:36 AM
Nothing against honey producers, but I never understood why honey costs so much..

It's because you don't stung by Maple Trees.

red maples
03-16-2012, 11:07 AM
oops sorry I ment to say $10 a lb. Yes I know the chadwicks. I always go to them with questions when I see them. Yeah Josh it is not expensive as maple to produce but when can get into expensive electric extractors and Hive die easily there are more and more mights and diseases that are effecting bees and there tough to over winter alot of bee keepers that have kept bees for years are throwing inthe towel because bees used to be really easy, now I think the number is some where around 80% of all hives don't make the winter this year should be a good year for them to over winter because it was an easy one and not very cold as all. Varroa mights are one of the biggest problems(in or area anyway) if you don't do the nessecary steps to lower the population in your hive it weakens and your bees will not make it.

anyway anyone look at the 10 day...just our luck (although I know it is early) but 70's for 5 days straight and SUN maple weekend 50's and rain...wouldn't you know it just goes with the season I guess!!! Hope we still get good numbers though should dry the mud up a bit.

red maples
03-22-2012, 09:56 AM
Well Getting ready for the big show this weekend!!! I did end with 42 gallons, 2 gallons to confections, 1 gallons saved for shows, 2 gallons merch ( most of which is already spoken for) and sold a few gallons already. I finally finished up the stuff I took of my pans last week I kept it in the down stairs fridge so it wouldn't mold as it was pretty light yet. and I am glad I pulled the pulg when I did because its just at the beginning of the buddy tangy woody kinda flavor clean though no after taste but just out of the GR B range for flavor.

SO last year for the Grade B...I guess they will have to change the rules for the Carlisle for next year as well????

Cleaning, Scrubbing the floors, evap is cleaned out mostly sadly I have to boil water but hopefully people won't mind decided not tap birch its running pretty hard I just have too much other stuff I wanna get done. (chickens) for tapping demo I am goinna tap birch though so at least people can see the sap flowing.

everything is made I just have to package up candy and nuts but that shouldn't take long. Candy came out a little grainer than usual still tastes great and melts easy was difficult to out of the molds.

My daughter has been making friendship bracelets the past few months and is going to sell them durring the weekend and donate all the money to NHSPCA, And my Wife who just got her Art business Application OKed will be displaying her art work as well. and with the article in the paper It should be great turnout. I have about 25 gallons bottled up I might be bottling more saturday night we'll see!!!

Good luck everybody!!! have a great open house weekend!!!

BC Birch Tapper
03-22-2012, 08:47 PM
let the folks drink some birch sap, people just love it. Enjoy!

Russell Lampron
03-23-2012, 05:32 AM
Good luck with your open house. It sounds like you have things in control. I only have a few little things to do to be ready myself.

Looks like nobody will be serving sugar on snow this year!

red maples
03-23-2012, 07:50 AM
Yeah unless you saved snow in your freezer from 3 weeks ago...Got 230 hits on my website since wednesday morning!!! same thing happened last year too!!! I might be bottlong more syrup on saturday night!!! we'll see.

This never happened this early...fighting with Phebes keep trying to make a @#$@#$ nest on the sugarhouse I really wouldn't mind but its right over top of the door!!!

red maples
03-24-2012, 11:47 PM
Alrighty had a great turnout seemed a little slower than last year sat but had $600 more is sales than saturday last year!!! overall it was a really good day!!! its now just after 12:30 am just finished cleaning up after bottling and making some more of the stuff I ran out of!!! Just have to package up the maple nuts in the AM. I am beat...I tried not to talk too much tonight so my thoat will be ready to go tomorrow. I hope the weather doesn't get too bad and keep people from visiting.

Everyone was pretty understanding about the boiling water part. especially when I told them it was russ's first year ever boiling water on maple weekend!!! And I got alot of interesting question after tapping the birch tree I explained the difference in root pressure vs stem pressure and difference in the sap and sugars and they did still get to see the sap run and taste and stuff it was just the birch!!!

Alrighty have to get some sleep for round 2!!!

Good sap weather coming/....too bad all my trees are now budded. they are even starting drop already hope this frost coming up does screw things up they should be OK I hope!!!

BC Birch Tapper
03-25-2012, 12:02 PM
Birch sap has been consumed for centuries primarily in Russia, Scandaniva & Europe as a health drink or tonic & is still sold there today. We've got a photo of a First Nations Lady tapping birch 1908 in the Northwest Territories. When you think about it though, after a long winter something with a bit of sugar & nutrients would be a good thing. Sounds like your event was a success.

red maples
03-25-2012, 05:50 PM
Thanks Ted for the info!!!

All finished....We far exceded my sales from last year...sold 26 gallons of syrup, 8# maple candy, 6# maple cream, 4# maple nuts, 35 # honey 7 doz eggs, If I had more honey and eggs I could have sold alot more hopefully next year!!! even my wife sold over $700 worth of artwork and I have to match the $130 in bracelets that my daughter made to donate to the NHSPCA...me and my big mouth!!! :)

I am beat..... we had a great 2 days though despite the weather but it wouldn't be the same it was still 80* so I am glad it cooled off a little and the rain held off just enough for a great day!!! So lost of money for more containers and hopefully enough to cover the cost of my renovations to the sugarhouse for this summer...

on the brighter side of things after this crappy year I didn't use as much wood so I don't have to split as much for next year :)

Tomorrow I am taking off from doing anything...I am gonna sleep in, no gym, lay around and play video games have some appts on tuesday to take care of then Wed. start pulling taps and get everything buttoned up final scrubs and pressure washing thru the remainder of the week. then onto to Chickens!!!!! and coupes etc.!!!!

05-17-2013, 09:38 AM
I am getting ready to build a sugar house and will have approx. 3000 taps with potential of 6000 later on. How should I design my house? 3 rooms? I will have a vac. system and r/o. Thanks!

Russell Lampron
05-18-2013, 04:57 AM
I am getting ready to build a sugar house and will have approx. 3000 taps with potential of 6000 later on. How should I design my house? 3 rooms? I will have a vac. system and r/o. Thanks!

Start a new thread here, http://mapletrader.com/community/forumdisplay.php?54-Sugarhouse-Design-and-Construction and you will get more reply's. We will need to know what size evaporator and if it will be wood fired or not and any other info needed to recommend a building size.

red maples
05-18-2013, 04:11 PM
Thanks Russ!!!

Russell Lampron
05-19-2013, 05:58 AM
Thanks Russ!!!

Had some time to kill so I figured I would help the newbie out. Looks like he hasn't made any other posts yet though.