View Full Version : sap prices

maple flats
02-01-2012, 06:54 PM
Has anyone seen the suggested 2012 sap price list yet? It usually comes in Jan but for some reason I did not receive a copy (Maple syrup Digest) this year. It is supposed to be pd by the state accoc.

02-01-2012, 07:27 PM
I was wondering the same thing to! I use as a guide to buy sap, it just helps with the people that are selling to me.if anyone could post some info would be appreciate. Thanks

02-21-2012, 09:11 AM
Bump. Anybody have info on sap prices - I've got a guy who may want to sell.

Thompson's Tree Farm
02-21-2012, 05:13 PM
I am paying the same as I did last year. Using the prices as stated in last years maple digest. 2% is 32.5 cents per gallon, 2,5% is 45 cents per gallon and 3% is 57.5 cents per gallon. Think the entire list is on here somewhere.

maple maniac65
02-21-2012, 07:00 PM
Cornell University has a sap buying guide that is interesting. It can be found on their website