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View Full Version : Are the Maple Leaf Bottles Worth it?

02-01-2012, 02:57 PM
This is only our second year, were are hoping to get enough syrup to sell at our local farmers market. We have been canning in glass mason jars, but were thinking about getting some maple leaves..... are they worth it? What's is a good size? How do we seal them? Thanks

Brian Ryther
02-01-2012, 03:16 PM
No. Plastic jugs are the way to go. Glass leaves are expensive and not a practicle way store and sell syrup. They do look good in a window but they do not sell well for me. If you are going to sell at a farm market you need to have all sizes and shapes of containers. Every customer has there own idea of what a syrup container looks like. I find it best to try to please every one.

02-01-2012, 03:25 PM
We sell at 2 farmers markets. People want the plastic jugs and yes you need all sizes. But keep the gallons and half gallons to a minimum. You will find 90 percent of your sales will be quarts. The only maple leafs we sell are the little ones. They make great party gifts such as weddings. Keith

Sunday Rock Maple
02-01-2012, 06:12 PM
We find that they sell well for people looking for gifts. this is mosly the 250ml and 500ml sizes. Seems that people prefer plastic quarts to the 750ml size when buying for themselves.

02-01-2012, 07:52 PM
One of my must haves at farmers markets is halve gallon glass. There are quite a few customers at markets that do not want plastic. You can explain until you are blue in the face that this kind if plastic is fine.:confused: I have used a plain jug with a black and white label. Seems to sell well.

Mike in NY
02-06-2012, 10:40 AM
We sold out of plastic quarts in December, will do more this year. Lots of plastic pints left over, did not sell well. Nieghbor sold out of pints and had quarts he was breaking down to repackage. He does mainly farmers market sales, we do 80% direct sale from sugar house and some shipping out of state/country. We supply one tourist trap sales point and glass sold better there; will do more of that this yr, ordered a case of the maple leaves but don't recall what size.
yr 5 here and still learning as we go

Mike in NY
02-06-2012, 10:43 AM
we ran out of plastic jugs last spring so were using some old qt bottles and some mason jars. Even discounting them under the plastic price they were hard to move

02-06-2012, 11:48 AM
People like them in this neck of the woods. Perfect for display at orchards and gift shops. The Christmas glass sells very well too. May be expensive but no one seems to mind. I sold 3 cases of 250MML Christmas glass @ 120.00 each to one lady.