View Full Version : double releaser, how to mount

maple flats
01-30-2012, 05:55 PM
I have a double mechanical releaser that will mount on an 800+ gal tank to run a 1.25" wet, 1.5" dry, 3/4" single main and eventually 2 more 1" single mains. My question is about how to mount it. I'm thinking of a cross brace from side to side on the tank for one side and the end wall of the tank for the other. How do you guys cover the releaser to keep rain, snow and critters out? Does a releaser need something to steady it from tipping in use or is the weight enough? Ideas please. This releaser will only be running up to about 500 this season, but hopefully it will have up to 2000-2500 taps after 2 yrs expansion.

01-30-2012, 06:13 PM
I have a double mechanical releaser on my 1150 gallon tank. I have a unique situation because I was able to build a building to house the tank and releaser and vacuum. With my new stainless tank the building is to small to wash the tank in place so it has to be taken out to wash it. I have the releaser supported above the tank so it can be washed. The building is lean-to style so it keeps the weather out but critters could get into it if they wanted to. the benefit that the building offers is that we have made a filter box that goes on top of the tank and the releaser dumps into the filter, trapping all the junk that almost 9 year old tubing has to offer. the filtering also traps some of the bacteria and prevents the sap from turning so quick in the later season. We have found it really helps with sap quality at the end of the season. We use the flat filters from bascoms, 36x36 flats seem to be a large enough area to let a full dump drain before the next happens. Hope this helps. I've also seen people use the pole tents/pole garages used to keep the tank/vacuum/releaser out of the weather.

01-30-2012, 06:27 PM
Im mounting mine with 2x4's. It will be inside of a little mini shed with one side left open for access. The shed will be just bigger than the releaser.

Thompson's Tree Farm
01-30-2012, 06:42 PM
I mount my releaser on a frame that goes across the tank. It actually sits down into the tank a couple of inches. I hold the releaser in place with bungee cords. If there is no shed over the releaser, I use a cheap plastic tarp and erect a lean-to or an A frame tent to keep the rain off the releaser and out of the sap tank.

01-30-2012, 07:52 PM
Mine has wood frame mounted to the opening in a poly tank. I have it wired in place "just in case". This frame has 4 2x4 sticking up with a 2'x3' scrap of steel roofing on it. Do cover your releaser. You will have a lot less problems. I have tried other covers and none.

Amber Gold
01-31-2012, 08:40 AM
New trial this year, is my releaser will sit into my tank about 6". I took a piece of 1x6 lumber cut to the width the tank inside, and screwed in a ladder hook at each corner. If I like it, I'll build one out of stainless. I've set the releaser inside so it's easier to work on during the season and I can get a little more pitch on my wet/dry line. I cover my tank w/ two sheets of metal roofing. I don't cover the releaser, but have thought about it...haven't thought of a good way to cover just the releaser. The good thing with it not being covered is in the sun thaws it out in the morning...not so good late season though.

Thinking of something, how low into your tank can you set the releaser and still have it dump properly w/ the outlet submerged?