View Full Version : Any Tappers here in MN???
03-09-2006, 09:53 AM
I don't see any posts in this forum. Just wondering if there are any Minnesota tappers out there that peruse the MapleTrader. Love to hear from any one in MN. Should be some out there . . . I've seen many a bucket hang'in from a tree the last couple of years and have already seen some up this year (this week). I just do it for fun and don't tap many trees. Just enough for syrup for the wife and I and we give it away to friends and at Christmas time.
I tapped the first trees last Sat. (3/4) and will tap some more this weekend.
Hope to hear from some MN locals.
03-09-2006, 10:15 AM
Bruce, I had a sugarer from MN call me the other night, I told him about the site, I'm sure he will sign on soon hopefully and let us know how it's going out there.... I was happy to tell him that I'm a DIEHARD Vikings fan for 32years now.
03-09-2006, 10:34 AM
Hey Jim, Thanks for the tip. I know there's gotta be some MN folks cruise'in this site. I'll keep watching. Like I stated earlier, the wife and I (mostly I) do this just for fun. It's kinda like the first rite of spring for me. Not being an ice fisher or a snowmobiler I can't wait to get back to outside activities. I found this site last weekend when I was pondering whether to tap yet or not and wanted to see if anyone around here had started yet. When I didn't find anybody in MN I looked to Wisc and read a few had already started. So out I went with drill in hand and sure nuff the sap just poured out. Started boiling Monday. . . . . Wanna trade Brady for Culpepper???
03-09-2006, 11:33 AM
funny you say that, Culpepper wants his contract done or traded. I like Brady, Patriots are my second team of course! :wink:
03-16-2006, 11:55 PM
Bruce Kremer, My wife was from Dassel, Mn. I get out there several times a year as its only 2 1/4 hours west of me. Rockford is on 55??
Believe I went through there a few times when they were tearing up highway 12 between the cities and Dassel someplace.
My wifes folks dairy farm out there yet and they pedal syrup out there for us. I know they have it in Litchfield and a few apple orchards out in that area.
There are a few nice tracts of hard maple between Delano and Cokato and a few south af there as well. I've pretty much scanned the area, but not near as many trees as where I live in Wi.
03-17-2006, 05:39 AM
I Came THIS close to buying a place near Orr a bunch of years ago. I even had a job lined up. Unfortunately, THat big Chipboard/OSB plant had logged it off and the maples were awful thin.
I eventually decided to stay in New York, but I sure did like the state and the people!
Cindy T in MN
03-19-2006, 05:17 PM
Hi! I'm here! I', doing this just for fun, too. My family loves the syrup.
I have 3 backyard trees tapped and they are doing great. Last year I guess I hit it too late, and barely got a drop, but this year is fine.
The weather has been pretty good. I thought it might be over, then we got a snowstorm and better temps. We're back in business for this week, if one can trust the forecast.
I do have a question, and am not sure where to ask.
I've read that some people will toss the layer of ice from the top of the bucket, thinking that it is just water that has frozen and doesn't have sugar in it. Has anyone ever checked this out or verified it? I like the idea of tossing off extra water (less boiling) but hate the thought of losing any sugar. With only 3 trees I have to be careful, you know :)
Enjoy the weather!
Cindy T in MN
maple flats
03-19-2006, 05:31 PM
I have been told that there is much less sugar in the ice however I do not toss it but rather leave it in the buchet to keep the new sap colder and in the end it melts and gets boiled.
Rob Harvey
03-19-2006, 07:09 PM
Recently there was a post from someone who removed the ice, melted it and checked the sugar content- .5% not worth boiling in my book. Rob
Cindy T in MN
03-20-2006, 08:02 AM
Ah-ha. I knew somebody would have checked into it. I suspect that the thicker the ice layer is, the more sugar might be included in it. Just a hunch.
Cindy T in MN
03-20-2006, 08:10 AM
...probably not worth boiling unless you are like me and only getting sap that is 1.2% :wink: Send that stuff my way! :D
Actually heard of someone partially freezing sap multiple times until they had clear syrup. Curious to try this myself some time.
Rob Harvey
03-20-2006, 02:54 PM
There is sugar in the liquid between the ice crystals, if you can prop it up and let it drain it will mostly come out. The ice turns white after it drains. Rob
03-21-2006, 05:14 PM
I just moved to MN last fall, and tap here, and also in WI now. Just 100 or so. I tapped the first week of March, and a had a good run going until the weather turned cold. It started flowing again this past Saturday, with today being quite high, almost 80 gallons from 93 taps!! hope it keeps up for awhile. the weather forecast looks good through next Tuesday.
Jim Powell
03-22-2006, 09:35 PM
I just tapped my first trees ever, on Saturday the 18th. I knew this would be a lot of work, but not this much. After collecting about 4 gallons of sap, I boiled it down on Monday. If it didn't taste so incredibly good, I'd pack it all in. But now, I think I've got the 'bug'. Is there any place in the Twin Cities that sells supplies?
Jim Powell
03-23-2006, 08:09 AM
Jim: I don't know about the Twin Cities, but Roth Sugar Bush over in Cadott, Wi isn't very far east. It would be between St. Paul and Eau Claire. Pretty good company to deal with. You can call them at 715-289-3820.
You were looking for a supplier...why don't you call the Maple Guys, the guys that sponsor this site. I've done business with them and they have always treated me good.
03-25-2006, 12:23 PM
Jim, Andersons maple syrup and supplies is just outside of Cumberland, WI. I do some business with them, as well as Roths. Andersons #715-822-8512. Mark
Jim Powell
03-25-2006, 12:23 PM
Actually, I think all it took was a little practice. My last batch looks pretty clear! I've also graduated from the old turkey roaster to the largest canning pot I could find. I think it is 8 gallons. I'm just starting it now, and I think it will be perfect for getting the sap to the fnishing stage. I've been run out of the kitchen for finishing though!
Jim Powell
03-25-2006, 02:22 PM
Do any of you experienced tappers have an idea on how much longer the sap will be collectable? Does it really matter if the temperature does not get below freezing at night, but gets say below 35° F ?
Rob Harvey
03-25-2006, 03:57 PM
It matters. Eventually it will stop running and wont run again until there is another freeze, thaw cycle.
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