View Full Version : What a difference a year makes -

Mike Van
01-29-2012, 05:01 AM
I tapped most of mine yesterday, first time ever in January for me. No gloves, no rubber boots, no problem. My 18v Dewalt seems to be losing a little of it's snot though. At 9:30 AM the first ones started to run. I've got another few dozen off site to do today. I was remembering last years crotch deep snow, roof shoveling, ice dams, and all the other misery that went with it.

01-29-2012, 09:02 PM
Yea it sure is a different year than last! i ran a bit over 700 gallons thru my new ro today and boiled it off, i only have about 400 taps in, still have some tubing to get up and a releaser to finish hooking up this season caught me off gaurd so early!