View Full Version : First boil and a pancake supper.

01-28-2012, 02:20 PM
Tomorrow we are planning to have the first boil of the season and all of our kids are coming out to help. The wife and I are sitting here thinking what's for dinner tomorrow, then she had the idea of pancakes with fresh Maple Syrup. This only being our second year and the first with a large enough evaporator to produce syrup for a small crowd. I thinking that a new family tradition has just been born. I bet there are more than a few members of this forum that have pancakes in the sugar shack to kick off the season.

We don't have a shack yet, but soon. I'm going to have to have some place to store all of the sugaring equipment.

Have a great sugar season.

mark w
01-28-2012, 02:46 PM
I love it we do that every year but it usally take me about 500 gallons to get the first syrup coming off my 2 by 6 to get a draw and live it up

01-28-2012, 06:45 PM
The first time we celebrated with a pancake-n-syrup supper my father didn't understand why we thought it was such a big deal. He really thought you drilled a hole in a tree and syrup came out! One day of helping/watching me boil and he now gives maple syrup the respect it deserves. We have pancake-n-syrup suppers now and then...each one is a celebration! I'm glad to hear " all the kids" will be able to assist/enjoy with you! Have fun.

01-29-2012, 07:11 AM
That sounds wonderful. I had a thought for my first boiling supper. Chili, cornbread and maple butter. Thanks for thinking for me, Indiana Jones! Happy Boiling.

01-29-2012, 02:33 PM
Well Mark, your experience trumps my expectations. We didn't have enough sap to start to boil. There wasn't much sap in the buckets that I had hoped. So we are going to plan "B". lasagna for this Sunday dinner. I'm guessing next week pancakes for the Superbowl.

We got a good sap run a going to day.