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maple flats
03-02-2020, 07:31 PM
We are just now getting our first sap. The vacuum is running all night. Checking for leaks today, only the warmer third of my taps were running at 2:30 PM. The colder areas were barely wet in the tubing.
That being said, it went up to 52 F today and will only go down to 38-40 tonight. I think I will have enough sap to boil tomorrow.
Van, glad to hear you are in a tsunami down there.

03-04-2020, 05:49 PM
Nice run the last couple days. Around 10,000 gals of sap turn into maple goodness.

03-07-2020, 05:04 AM
Hi Herb, how many gallons are you up to?!Still have snow?. We never got alot of snow cover this year. Melted between storms

maple flats
03-07-2020, 10:40 AM
Nice, I just drew my 1st draw of the year yesterday after boiling about 850 gal. My sap so far has been at 1.2%. Yesterday, I got a draw about 90 minutes into the boil, followed by several more. Later yesterday I took in 175 gal on shares (roadside and yard trees) at 3.4%, was nice to boil that after bringing it to 12%. We had our first freeze in 4 days last night, and another tonight. I hope that not only increases the sugar % but the sap quantity too, it should.

03-07-2020, 11:12 AM
% seems well below 2 here. Even after concentrating I'm only getting to about 5 if I want to boil the same day.

maple flats
03-07-2020, 12:15 PM
I run my sap thru 2x when it's like that, first brings it to about 4.8, then for the second I back the pressure off a little, and I end up with about 9-10% to boil. I like 12-14% far better but I don't like running the RO that much on a batch of sap. With raw sap my RO only removes 75% of the water on pass 1, less on pass 2.
I know a better RO can do far better, but at a final max for me of between 450 and 500 taps I don't think it a wise investment.

03-07-2020, 02:58 PM
Took today to deliver syrup and spent a day with my wife.hopefully the sap gods will not punish me for it. They seem to be vengeful gods to me. Sap ran great yesterday, probably 3,000+ gals to process tomorrow. Weather looks good for next week too.We have snow at the higher elevations but gone in the valley, along with the mud. I’m 400% above last year same time at 600 gals.

03-07-2020, 05:58 PM
My first boil last year was 3/15. I have already made half of my estimated syrup total for this season.

03-07-2020, 06:04 PM
I run my sap thru 2x when it's like that, first brings it to about 4.8, then for the second I back the pressure off a little, and I end up with about 9-10% to boil. I like 12-14% far better but I don't like running the RO that much on a batch of sap. With raw sap my RO only removes 75% of the water on pass 1, less on pass 2.
I know a better RO can do far better, but at a final max for me of between 450 and 500 taps I don't think it a wise investment.

Yeah, my poor little RO will have a heart attack if I run it much longer before I boil, or if I add one more tap.

03-10-2020, 06:10 PM
Great run the last couple of days. Finished 125 gals yesterday. Should be over 1,000 this week.

03-11-2020, 08:32 AM
Wow you're having a great couple weeks! Blowing right by me now. Great run Sunday but then way too warm. Sugar like 1.2 even after the weekend freeze.

Keep up the good work!

03-11-2020, 03:57 PM
Another couple barrels filled last two days. Good freeze this morning and sap started again this afternoon. Cleaned all the woods tanks and releasers also today. Probably going to drain and clean the evaporator and start over this weekend.

03-22-2020, 04:10 PM
Are you still going?. Expecting snow here

maple flats
03-22-2020, 04:37 PM
I had a good freeze last night, low was 18F but at 39F about 1:00 pm I had zero sap.

03-22-2020, 05:29 PM
Still going. Hard freeze last night and decent sap flow today. Up to a foot of snow tomorrow.

03-23-2020, 12:55 PM
Still going at Mud Road Sugar House in Ephratah,sap is a cloudy but expected that to happen once the snowpack left ,was making dark and yesterday went to x-tra dark,cleaning out everything to start over with everything fresh and clean,sugar is low but turn the dial to take out more water in the R.O.

03-26-2020, 06:56 AM
Pulled in 2,000 gals sap yesterday. Finished another barrel of very dark. Sap cleared last night, so I may drain the rig and start over.

03-26-2020, 08:50 AM
I've started to clean up, but the trees are starting to run clear again. But many of my trees have leaves breaking out. If this crazy weather had happened a week sooner, I'm pretty sure that would have held off for another week or so. We have had freezes every night this week. I could test a sample, but I'm pretty sure I'm done. I'm at last year's total, but wanted to push higher this year.

EDIT: Really not leaves, but the flowers on the red maples. Don't know if that makes a huge difference though.

03-27-2020, 10:17 AM
Pulled in over 3,000 gals this morning. Zap bac spouts are great. Only my 3/16” tubing bush with no vacuum pump has slowed. Not due to no sapflow but I believe the tubing is plugged with gunk. Went up yesterday and pulled the last tap and let the lines empty, hope that helps.

maple flats
03-27-2020, 07:12 PM
Van, do you change the Tees and any connectors every year on your 3/16? I found that to make a big difference.

03-27-2020, 07:17 PM
No I have not Dave. I was cleaning with a backpack sprayer, but when I had the chemo port that ended. Guess I need to get back to that and not go fishing as much.Thanks for the advice.

03-27-2020, 07:29 PM
...believe the tubing is plugged with gunk.

Unfortunately none of the normal sanitation approaches for 5/16” tubing completely solves that problem in 3/16” tubing. Chemical sanitizer or periodic replacement of all fittings in 3/16” systems is also necessary.

maple flats
03-28-2020, 09:47 AM
Before you change the fittings, I suggest you clean the 3/16 in mid October- mid November, rinse well, then change the fittings.

03-28-2020, 10:18 AM
We are going to shut the pump off this afternoon here in the Helderberg mountains. It has been a decent year for sap quantity but the sugar content has been lower than normal. We started with 1.9 in January and seemed to fall ever since. The six inches of snow got us a decent amount of sap the last few days, now that it is melted it sure looks like spring. Good luck.

03-28-2020, 05:59 PM
Took a hike with the backpack sprayer and flushed my 3/16 bush. Good freeze last night so will be boiling again tomorrow.

03-29-2020, 11:58 AM
Only 1,500 gals of sap, but still testing 1.5. Only have my upper bush going right now.

03-31-2020, 09:28 AM
Shut off the vacuum yesterday. Cleaned all the tanks and releasers in anticipation of more sap this week. Syrup i made last boil was dark with a great maple flavor. Not going to Australia to see my family this spring, so might as well keep making syrup. Think I can go till pike season opens?

04-02-2020, 12:05 PM
Last boil of the year for me. Brought in sap this morning and will chase that with water. Average season for me.

maple flats
04-02-2020, 04:57 PM
Did they open pike season early?

04-05-2020, 07:20 AM
Hi Herb. So how many gallons did you end up with?. The 3 of you must be tired( me,myself and I). I haven't been able to contact my family in Tea Gardens since Sept.

04-05-2020, 11:05 PM
Dave, no pike season yet. Soon though, but not soon enough.
I ended with 1,200. Guess lunch at Toms will have to wait till June. Be well and stay safe.

04-15-2020, 04:03 PM
Snow last night helped the sap start flowing again. New spouts and drops, and zap bac spouts were doing well. Used the sap to flush the lines while pulling taps.

02-09-2021, 12:19 PM
Just looking at the weather here... below freezing until 2/20, and that's the farthest the forecast goes. At this rate I won't be tapping til March!

02-09-2021, 07:45 PM
Has anyone heard from mountainvan?

02-10-2021, 08:34 AM
Looks like weather wise the week of the 22nd may be the time. I'm a small backyarder trying to push out 100 taps. I'm not all done with my lines on one property. I've been wearing the snowshoes in the woods as we have about 15" of snow on the ground. I've got about 30 taps to run with 3/16 on a good hill. Then I'm ready!

02-10-2021, 09:01 AM
He’s in my area, but no word from him. I usually just follow him here. Hope we hear soon.

We are in for cold cold cold the next week or longer.

02-10-2021, 04:04 PM
I had some pm correspondence with van to pick his brain about zap bac spouts recently. He said he was busy tapping and should to be ready to roll soon. So he’s still around, I’m sure we will hear from him.

maple flats
02-10-2021, 07:10 PM
I just sent mountainvan a PM. The last post he made was on 12/1/20, about a run away thermostat on a Hot End System. If I hear back and he hasn't updated this thread I'll let you know. I hope all is well!

maple flats
02-13-2021, 12:42 PM
Mountainvan, no answer, I hope this means you are just too busy tapping and making syrup to respond. You worry us Herb.

02-13-2021, 04:16 PM
No worries mate! Less internet and more family,farm,and fishing. Mostly tapped and waiting for warm up like everyone.

maple flats
02-14-2021, 10:25 AM
That's a big relief Van, glad to hear you are well. Family time is good, especially just before the maple tsunami hits.

03-11-2021, 05:28 AM
How's the sap running Herb!?. Don't see any posts from you. Ron has been boiling. Keeping him busy. Hope all is well

03-26-2021, 07:29 PM
Hi all. Doing fine. Busy with sap, wind, and water. Not much new this year.

04-06-2021, 02:17 PM
Still hanging on here made 60 gals 35 lt yesterday and pulled in over 2,000 gals today. Froze last night. Sap is still flowing well and should keep going a couple more days. Without the zap bac spouts I’d be done for sure.

04-06-2021, 03:22 PM
Give it hell van, glad to hear you're still in the game.

02-07-2022, 06:27 PM
Started tapping today. Looking forward to a good season.

02-08-2022, 10:24 AM
Best of luck and best wishes for a productive season.

02-09-2022, 02:59 PM
Good luck this season van. Keep us updated on how you're doing. very much enjoy reading your posts.

02-09-2022, 05:07 PM
Two sugarbushes tapped ,tight , and flowing. Went to the er last night for stitches, but not before I just put on a bandaid and finished tapping for the day. Trees were fighting back.

02-10-2022, 05:54 AM
Sounds like you have been busy. Stinks about having to go to the ER. Sounds like my luck. Hopefully it doesn’t slow you down too much.

02-11-2022, 06:22 PM
First sap in today, third sugarbush mostly tapped.

02-12-2022, 04:02 PM
450 of 3500 in today,unfortunately had to go to a wake this afternoon,back at it hard as everything we tapped was running

02-13-2022, 07:03 AM
First syrup of 22 made last night. Everything worked flawlessly, including me! Back to tapping.

maple flats
02-13-2022, 08:53 AM
good luck Van, and don't rip those stitches loose.

02-17-2022, 07:32 PM
Finished tapping two more bushes. Ro tank is full for an early start tomorrow and sap is pouring in.

02-19-2022, 06:55 PM
Out at 4 am yesterday to get sap.road was flooded ,branches down , but plowed through to get the job done. Tanks were full! Equaled last years best day and not fully tapped yet. Started filling barrels for the year.

maple flats
02-22-2022, 03:03 PM
Van, you always impress me, keep up the good work, don't worry about pike season, that too will come.

02-23-2022, 05:57 PM
Big sap the last couple of days. Today was a double boiler. Up early to collect, boil, collect again, and boil again. Still not completely tapped yet either.

03-10-2022, 06:29 AM
The last week was great here. Full sap tanks lead to full barrels. Starting to get into a rhythm.

03-12-2022, 09:52 PM
I missed the first two runs, but this past week has been productive. RO'd and boiled about 1000 gals, which for me is a busy week. Sugar content low though, well below 2%.

03-13-2022, 07:15 PM
Big sap last week. Looking forward to more starting tomorrow.

03-24-2022, 07:36 PM
Still making syrup. Upper bushes froze the last couple of nights, but lower did not. Hard freeze this weekend might reset everything.

04-01-2022, 07:57 PM
Trees were reset. My 3/16 bush had the best day so far this year. Every else was status quo. Love those zap bac spouts to be getting big runs after two months tapped. Looks to go for another week here.

04-01-2022, 08:12 PM
That’s awesome Van. I too believe in the zap bacs now. We have them in 2 of our bushes and haven’t seen the sap slow down despite some warm days.

04-05-2022, 10:31 AM
Good freeze last night for one last sap run for me. Passing my trees and most of my stuff off to a local maple friend and calling it a career.

04-05-2022, 10:37 AM
Good freeze last night for one last sap run for me. Passing my trees and most of my stuff off to a local maple friend and calling it a career.

Good luck in retirement! For me this is one of my retirement interests, but at a much much smaller scale.

Did freeze here last night, but it's the last boil for me today for this season. Whatever comes in after will spoil in the pan for next few months.

04-05-2022, 11:20 AM
Pulled my buckets on Saturday and boiled Saturday night. They were still running strong on Saturday. Got 18.5 gallons off 95 taps for the year.

04-05-2022, 11:32 AM
Good freeze last night for one last sap run for me. Passing my trees and most of my stuff off to a local maple friend and calling it a career.

Congrats on the syrup retirement van. Are you sure you can do it though- that is the question?? Thanks for your knowledge and input on here over the years.

04-05-2022, 04:25 PM
Oh my gosh!. This is hard to believe. wow. Well I guess we all come to this point. I figure you'll be traveling. All the best. The last couple of years have been tough. We still pretty much hang around the house. Ron never boiled this year. Having too much trouble getting around. Lots of good memories.

04-06-2022, 12:16 PM
Good luck and congratulations on retirement. Now I'll have to find another person to use as an example of how you can make a living at this but you have to work your butt off to do it. Who is taking over your bushes? Jay maybe? Was just curious.

Super Sapper
04-07-2022, 06:03 AM
Congrats on your retirement

01-22-2023, 02:37 PM
Congrats on your retirement Van! I’ve been lurking here for years, following your reports to help guide my own tapping timing, and just generally enjoying your posts. Good luck with everything!

Pancake Hollow
01-29-2023, 11:20 AM
What an epic January in the southern Catskill foothills, holy cow. Only hope Feb and Mar can be the same weather.

Pancake Hollow
03-02-2023, 05:42 PM
Best February by far and March started with a smooth boil, sap coming in 5 gallons every 6 minutes today on my high vacuum blue bush. Definitely some soft maples with some puffy buds around town, but up on the cold side of the mountain we’ve got snow pack, with more snow on the way, so here’s hoping the best sap is still ahead.

Pancake Hollow
03-10-2023, 07:51 AM
Syrup made in March has been some of the lightest amber I’ve ever made, so this years crop has some real variation in color, great for sampling at the markets, it’s not about if the customer will buy, it becomes which one they will buy, light or dark! Hit a big round number last night with a midnight boil, a new high point for syrup made. Upgrading to a CDL liquid vane pump this year has been awesome, pretty much pegged at 30 inches all season and the unit is way more stable than the old Alamo dairy pumps I’ve used for years…sugar content from sap has been higher the few times I’ve checked it; I’ve seen several reports of high brix in March, including a peer farm in Wisconsin seeing a reading as high as 4% this week. Strong year for sure, with snow in the forecast tonight and next week, shooting for another couple strong weeks of the same to complete my strongest year for sure.

03-16-2023, 06:50 AM
Sap Tsunami forecast for the upper elevations of the Catskills............ Large sap flow predicted starting in the early hours of 3/17 thru Saturday morning. Please be prepared for full tanks! ;) At 2000ft my season has been lack luster sitting at about 40% of a normal year. Too cold/too dry. We now have over 2 feet of snow on the ground and very favorable conditions predicted. Just in time for all you maple weekend folks! Good luck to all.

Pancake Hollow
03-26-2023, 11:50 PM
In full cleanup mode, so fun. Syrup totals are exactly 50% increase from last year, so a fine season indeed. Hope everyone else had a great season too.

03-27-2023, 07:52 AM
In full cleanup mode, so fun. Syrup totals are exactly 50% increase from last year, so a fine season indeed. Hope everyone else had a great season too.

Congrats...always nice to have a great season.

Pancake Hollow
02-24-2024, 06:05 PM
Seeing that many producers are now in full production mode, it’s definitely that time of year. I’ve been boiling consistently since late January minus a a few stints of freeze. Very good season so far, the most light amber I’ve ever made and now it’s darkened up to medium Amber with the taste that I’m very familiar making. The light runs had a very subtle taste with a nuttiness I’m not accustomed to. This year I significantly upgraded my collection station, and it’s been great. On a refurbished 18’ decked equipment trailer I had an Amish fellow build a 7x7 insulated shed for my vacuum pump and releaser, with an 11’ long covered porch for my sap tank. I installed wifi for 2 cameras, on inside on the releaser and one outside on the tank, plus a weather station. Been consistently pulling over 26” and have collected over 12,000 gallons from that bush. 2nd bush on gravity ain’t doing too bad either, maybe one day I can put that bush on vac too and if so, tap another few thousand over there. 2700 taps are on Tom’s Zap Bac spiles this year, so hope this season goes another month plus solid for me. Best to all producers, isn’t it just the best feeling to be a farmer. There are some pics of the new collection station on my Instagram for the farm if anyone is interested, Pancake Hollow Sugarworks.

Pancake Hollow
02-26-2025, 10:30 AM
Why am I so happy? Oh that’s right, because it’s sap season! A satisfying relief when the tanks are full and the first batch of syrup is made. First note of the season is: concentrate from RO is the most mapley smelling I’ve ever had. Usually the sap/concentrate isn’t much to smell, but this year, before I even put it on the heat, as I flooded the pans, I was like, wow, that’s the most rich, maple smelling sap I’ve ever had…syrup smelled just as delightful last night as it came off Old Tilty Stack! Here’s to everyone making syrup in 2025, may God Bless your efforts with a wonderful crop and a full heart/spirit, what an amazing craft we are graced with!