View Full Version : Gear pump for homemade cream machine

maple marc
01-27-2012, 01:58 PM
I'm planning to make a gear pump cream machine. I'm wondering about the gear pump. Seems like it should be stainless, but are pumps on commercial machines bronze or stainless? And what about the pumps on filter presses? Does it matter? And best source for a food grade pump? How about sources for stainless tubing--perhaps used dairy tubing?

Thanks for your ideas.

01-27-2012, 05:50 PM
most filter press pumps I have seen were bronze.

Maxfields maple
01-27-2012, 05:59 PM
I did a little checking into this on the thought of building one,from what info ive got the manufactured cream machines use a (oberdorfer) 1"brass gear pump,i think the modle was #4002.It must be 1".The filter press modles use 1/2 i beleave.Thes pumps are available thrue bascoms,leader just about everywere.I hope youre sitting down because there about $550.00.You will still be saving money on the total build.A stainless pump is about$1000 to1200.You can find some deals used thrue Dairy supply places,all sorts of stainless bends and fittings too.:)