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View Full Version : to tap or not to tap...that is the question for this year!

red maples
01-27-2012, 01:48 PM
So its January 27th and good vacuum weather has been here for a few days and seems to be in the forcast for the next 10 days with the exception of a day or 2 hovering around 30- 32 * for the high. I still need a few days to finish up a few odds and ends before I am able to tap anyway and this RAIN in January yet again isn't helping matters much.(normally I'd be out there but its no fun slopping around the swamp in the rain which is now high and is usually frozen at this point)

I do use CV's so I guess tapping this early wouldn't be a microbial issue with tap holes drying up before the end of the season and if it freezes well it freezes down here last year most of us tapped around the 15th of feb and got a 2 week freeze and then we had a banner year once the trees thawed a bit. Feburary can be tricky,If the winds change most of the month could be below 32*F

HHHMMMMMM What to do????

I am sure there are a few others asking the same question!!!

I know the bigger producers with taps in well in to 1000's and 10,000's range do begin to tap earlier than the rest of us smaller producers simply due to the large number of taps

If I don't tap now will the trees bud early from this strange weather??? then I will miss out on sap???? or do I wait ???

sO do I tap or wait????:confused:

Any thoughts or comments????

01-27-2012, 02:03 PM
Good question. I've been wondering the same thing. Last year I taped on the 16th. I'm definitly gonna tap earlier this year. Maybe the end of next week.

01-27-2012, 02:14 PM
i dont know what to do either. with only 80 taps i cant afford to have my tap holes dry up. im gonna wait another week or so and if its still warm im just gonna go all in and tap everything espicaly if my test taps start going good. i have 3 test taps out now and have only gotten about a bucket full so far.


Starting Small
01-27-2012, 02:15 PM
The other thing that I am considering is if it is worth it to tap early if the sugar content is only 1.5% like so many people are reporting. If we wait we can just deal with the higher sugr content that the late winter brings. Less boiling and work. Of course for the commercial guys they may want every drop, but for many others why work harder if we do not have to, especially if the taps could dry up right when the contents are reaching 3%?

01-27-2012, 02:24 PM
Brad it's torture knowing a few miles down the road Chris is already boiling. :o

I'm keeping an eye on you to see when you're gonna start. Reds on buckets for me. I hate waiting.

01-27-2012, 02:30 PM
ive been hearing of how people out west more are already making syrup and im going crazy from hearing that! i can wait till i tap!


01-27-2012, 03:08 PM
I tapped 20 for a test, and today i have gotten over 12 gallons, and its still running now, so tomarrow night i will hopefully have about 20 gallons so i can do a little boil. Id tell what the sugar content is, but, I broke my sap hydrometer trying to get it out of the sticky container this morning... oops. :(
but i will have updates along the way for me.

01-27-2012, 03:20 PM
I put out a test tap 2% sap and I bet later in the spring it will get better

01-27-2012, 04:21 PM
HI Brad, The guys with buckets are the ones that will get hurt if they tap now. If your on vac and using check valves and the weather changes its not going to be that bad. So for you tap away. Just my 2 cents worth or not. We will be taping in on valentines day which we try to do every year. Happy boiling to all Keith

01-27-2012, 05:09 PM
Well did I make a big mistake?? Here in northern New Jersey 55 again today so I tapped one tree and then did the rest.The sap was screaming out and now I read about the lower sugar content now and the holes may dry up or the tree seals up to soon into the better time of the season.This is my 2nd year 15 trees some 2 taps haven't counted them all yet,I guess I have to go with it? I bought a sap hydrometer and will see what it is Saturday.So next time test a tree or two and test sap for what % sugar would be good at minimum.This year is going to be crazy to see what happens in the end.All in buckets on the ground 5/16 plastic taps,going to string some when my box of tubing comes Monday.What is the max taps on 5/16 tubing gravity?length of run should be no longer than??Made 3 3/4 gallons last year 150 gallons of sap

01-27-2012, 05:15 PM
for the max number of taps on 5/16 i have heard 30 or so with good slope(around 5%) try to keep the tubing runs under 100-200 feet i would say. if you have cheack valves on your gravity taps you will be fine if it freezes again.


01-27-2012, 05:25 PM
Did I tap to early or I will know when I test the sap % sugar?

01-27-2012, 05:26 PM
Why will the guys with buckets get hurt if they tap now ???

red maples
01-27-2012, 05:33 PM
Ha I knew there were others scratching their heads just the same as me. I am waiting a bit as well!!! like I said I have a few things left to do So hopefully I will be done by monday or tuesday Wednesday at the latest and then I'll look at the forecast at that point and rethink things if the 10 day at that point looks favorable to tap I may go all in!!! If the season lasts longer well then thats just more sap for me I got 11 cords of wood ready for this season on 300 taps so If I need I know its there!!!

red maples
01-27-2012, 05:35 PM
hey 5050 where bouts in NJ are you from I grew up on swartzwood lake!!! my parents still live there and brother lives in columbia.

01-27-2012, 05:41 PM
Asbury,near Bloomsbury,Clinton,rt78

01-29-2012, 07:42 AM
I have considered doing a few test taps myself too

01-29-2012, 07:50 AM
Hey KNO.....bucket taps are open to air and will dry out faster....once they dry, they are done for the year. So.....if you tap too early and the season ends up going on for a while, you will be out of the game due to dry taps.

red maples
01-29-2012, 07:59 AM
Well it looks like a cool down for the end of next week so I guess we'll be on hold.

01-29-2012, 08:05 AM
im taking it week by week. i think i'll tap next warm up. i dont mind the freezing weather. lets me get more stuff done. especially with no snow.
