View Full Version : Early Spring?

01-23-2012, 03:48 PM
Well I just started the hobby over again after 30 years, I’m in Southern NH and I have 14 trees on my property (looking for more), over half are starting to bud, what do the knowledgeable say about taping this early? :confused:

01-23-2012, 04:16 PM
I'm not sure I would call myself knowledgeable but i dropped in 130 today.

Heart Stone Farm
01-26-2012, 06:16 AM
Seems REAL early to me, but we have been wrong before. I am still waiting for one more cold snap.

Good luck!

01-26-2012, 09:19 AM
I would not consider myself an expert but I think we still have some winter left. Long range forcast shows some pretty cold temps the second week of February. Yes, I know that 2 years ago we had an early run (3rd week of February). We always seem to get a "warm-up" tease and then it drops back into normal winter temps. Having said that, most of us have never seen a winter such as the one upon us this year???? I think many of us may be pulling our taps from our "Red" maples long before we want to!!!!

01-26-2012, 03:05 PM
Dropped 6 taps today to see what kind of flow is happening...

01-26-2012, 03:21 PM
I'm banking on a cold snap in the middle of feb. I was planning on tapping around Valentines day, but that's when the long range shows the cold coming back.

01-27-2012, 01:13 PM
With little snowcover and warm/cold days and nights in the forecast for nearly two weeks I tapped five trees in our yard using 5/16 spouts on the 24th and will hold off on another 20 taps. By using the 5/16" spouts I have no reservations about retapping the same trees later in the season if needed. it's either the right thing to do or it's just a bonus. In either case it's positive.

Blessings to all for a great maple season!

01-28-2012, 12:03 PM
ive got 3 test taps out for about 2 weeks. only have about 2 gallons of sap! im waiting at least another week untill go all in.


01-28-2012, 05:31 PM
You may want to look at the long range forcast before you go "all in"...it looks like winter may FINALLY hit us the second week of February! They are looking at a pattern change after next weekend which may shift cold air into the northeast. We will pay for this mild winter in February and March!

01-28-2012, 05:37 PM
where did you find the long forcast? i cant find one. i will wait another week and then check the 10 day again and if its no good i will do the same thing over. thats my plan anyway.


01-28-2012, 05:44 PM
Look at Accuweather.com. The article written today is interesting!


Tappy Sap Master
01-31-2012, 12:26 PM
Installed 4 taps this past Saturday & have about 4 Gallons so far! Does anyone know if the sugar content in sap is lower this time of year than say the end of February?

02-01-2012, 10:21 PM
So far so good...
I don't plan to tap and hang any more buckets than the five I placed last week but I have produced a pint and a half of light amber from last week's sap run of 12 gallons. The sap ran well today. Other than staying warm tonight the forecast is calling for highs around 40 and lows around 23 for the next five or more days (Milford). I don't plan to tap more trees until later in the season but my man made snow pile is sure shrinking fast! :lol: