View Full Version : Trees to tap in Locke n.y.

sugar ED
01-21-2012, 09:44 PM
Wish I was closer ! But I was looking on craigslist under (Syracuse,N.Y. ,Maple sugar) and this add maybe nice for someone nearby " Sugar Maples for tapping (Locke n.y.)

have sugar maple trees in a hedge row with a tractor trail running between 2 rows of trees. Quite a few trees and the ground is slightly sloping so you could easily drive (4WD) and run sap lines to a central collection point. I'd like to see them go to use and maybe get a little syrup or some money out of the deal. If you are interested in tapping our trees let me know and if you seem like a nice character that we wouldn't mind on our land I'll give you the specifics.