View Full Version : can you re use cone filters (like reemay brand) more than once?

01-20-2012, 04:13 PM
Can reemay cone filters be used more than once?

Such as in a situation where you have 1 small tree your tapping for fun...

..and you want to 1-strain the sap with it, give the filter a rinse, and then 2-use it to strain the hot syrup of sugar sand/nitre (and give it a good hot rinse again).

Could I do that? Maybe they are not quite meant for that but it's possible? - or are they not meant for it at all, and I'd want to use a fresh one for each filtering process?

I know I can use coffee filters, or other things but I'd like to know specifically if this is possible.

Thanks so much for all your input.

Jeff E
01-20-2012, 04:51 PM
I dont know why not. I think what you are talking about is a pre-filter designed to be used in conjuction with an orlon type final filter for hot syrup.
I dont think you need to filter sap through that tight of a filter though. A clean white cotton sheet for example does fine for filtering sap.
Anyway, you can clean and reuse these filters. Dont ring them out, as this leads to them breaking down. Just hot rinse until clean.

01-20-2012, 05:22 PM
Jeff E has answered this question quite well. But...I've been a member since last year and this is the first question I could answer!!! As Jeff said, "yes you can reuse the prefilters". I've reused prefilters several times. I'm a little heavy handed when cleaning them so when they start getting "ratty" I use them for filtering apple cider, grape juice, etc. Man! That felt good!

maple flats
01-21-2012, 07:19 AM
I reuse them several years. Just wash them with ONLY pure hot water. In the past, before I had a filter press, I had several. I only used them for syrup but I would have one syrup filter and about 5 or 6 pre-filters on top. As I filtered the top layer of the pre-filter would plug with sugar sand and I would lift it , slowly drain the bulk of the syrup into the next layer, and I kept the worst of the sugar sand in the dirty pre-filter. I then had a way to hand that over the newly exposed on to drip out slowly. Then I would rinse it as completely as possible and hang to dry. After i was done for the day, I would take the pre-filters and the syrup filter home to wash. I ran them in the washing machine, only pure water 2 times completely thru, no soap. One thing to keep in mind, do not ever wring them out, pre filters or syrup filters, wringing will destroy the filters fibers and drastically reduce it's effectiveness.
If you are just talking 1 or 2 taps a syrup filter is likely out but you can still use the pre-filter to get the worst of the sugar sand. Another low tech method that works well after pre-filtering is to just let it set, the sand will settle and you can carefully remove the clear syrup without stirring up the fine sand silt on the bottom. Have fun and enjoy, while large quantities of sugar sand might not be healthy for you, if these methods are followed you will be fine. Just be careful using equipment containing lead as the sand will concentrate the lead.

01-21-2012, 07:52 AM
ok thanks you three! sounds like I could give it a shot if I wanted.

01-21-2012, 09:25 AM
If you are just tapping one tree then I wouldnt worry about the nitre. We put up syrup when I was a kid and we never filtered any of it. Just dont shake the syrup jug.