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View Full Version : Tapping Time

Brad W Wi
03-07-2006, 12:57 PM
I just have to say. "I love this time of year." I get to tap and make syrup and I check this web site 10 to 20 times a day and there is always,and I mean always, something going on and I'm learning more and more about it. Usually someone else asks a question I've been thinking about and there is always plenty of answers for it. Sometimes conflicting answers but that's all part of it. There's been many who I've talked to on the phone and have helped me out. Thank you all for your help, and Chris and Chris for hosting this site. There's nothing like experence for learning, but you people sure send me and many others in the right direction.
Brad W Wi

03-07-2006, 02:19 PM
Brad,you and me are on the same page. I could not have said it better!!!Jay

03-07-2006, 08:23 PM
Brad W,
Hey that Allis WD struck a cord we had two of those old work horses on my dads farm. Man spent a lot of hours on them! Snorty old girls!
Good Luck with the maple season,