View Full Version : Tappin' Tomorrow!!

01-19-2012, 08:11 PM
Me and delta757and767pilot are putting out 25 taps tommorow. We think we will have a good run next week. Might as well get sap when we can. The more syrup the better!:lol:

01-19-2012, 08:18 PM
How exciting for you guys! We Up Nort'ers are jealous! Keep us posted

01-19-2012, 10:01 PM
We hope to get out 160 taps out by sunday and we tasted our sap and got 2.5 percent sugar!

01-20-2012, 05:55 AM
I am looking to tap on Sun. the weather looks very good. I am going to put in 75 taps. I am useing the check valves on some of the trees this year, I will wait a week or so for the reg. taps and buckets.

ps... It anyone local needs some check valves, stubbies,or tees Leader set me a double order. Also I am looking for a truck tank to haul sap in CT please, if anyone knows of a used one or someone that sells them around hear.

Nathan in Killingworth CT

01-23-2012, 07:33 PM
Delta....did you get your taps in and how do things look? I just run 20 or so buckets for fun and not sure when to start...any advice is welcomed. Good luck!