View Full Version : Adding a syrup pan and connecting

01-19-2012, 04:51 PM
I'm at the stage where I need to add more boiling capacity and/or improve efficiency. Last year I had a 20"x30" flat pan with no dividers, and a preheater sitting on the back of that pan (on a block arch). It all worked really well, but it was a too much work for a guy with a day job. So this year, I'm building an efficient arch, and adding a 20"x20" syrup pan in front. It'll have 2 or 3 dividers (not sure what's best) and I want to plumb it into the sap pan. With this setup would I need to regulate the level in the syrup pan? Or have the level the same in both pans? Or....do I need a valve/float between them and run a lower level in the syrup pan?

There are several threads on this subject, which I've read. I didn't want to hijack anyone else, since we all seem to have slightly different setups.


01-19-2012, 04:56 PM
you could set it up either way from what ive heard...a float valve does keep the sap level in the back pan higher and the level in the front pan lower if you do not have a float valve the level will be the same in both pans. it should work either way...and i would recomend the dividers if you dont already have them.


01-20-2012, 09:57 AM
If your pans are sitting on a flat arch at the same level, you will be fine with a pipe connection. Half inch minimum. Solder some threaded fittings into your pans far enough from the ends so there is room for a union so you can take it apart. Also leave some room for a strip of insulator like fiberglass gasket between your pans so that flames don't squirt up in the gap and scorch your pans above the sap level.

01-20-2012, 06:16 PM
Thanks Spencer and John, That's what I was hoping to hear. I've got enough to do in the next 2 months of evenings/weekends without making this too complicated.

01-20-2012, 06:34 PM
glad i could help.
