View Full Version : 2x6 Grimm ash door

01-18-2012, 09:30 PM
Got a 2x6 Grimm Lightning last summer. I have everything for it except for the ash door. Any thoughts on where i might be able to find one. Any info would be appreciated.

01-19-2012, 05:35 AM
Try Bascoms ( www.bascommaple.com ). They have used parts on hand that aren't in their catalog. Another option is to make or have one made. Since it's the ash/draft door, heavy plate steel will do and it's no big deal if it warps a little (probably won't).

Thompson's Tree Farm
01-19-2012, 07:09 AM
I have a Grimm Lightning 4x12. I took the ash door off several years ago and get along well without it. I want as much air going under the fire as possible and the door is a PITA when trying to get the ashes out. If you are going to a blower and air over then it is a different story.