View Full Version : Any comparison testing been done on different tubing by manufacturer?

01-18-2012, 03:22 PM
I'm wondering if all the sap tubing comes out of the same plant somewhere or if each company makes their own and one might be better to go with one over another....probably a pandora's box opening here.

I realize, of course, that, much like the great truck debates(Toyota man myself), personal perference might be the biggest difference. However, I was steered away from one brand from a long time sugarmaker who warned me about "splitting" lines, not only from his own experience, but also from that of others.....I've looked through threads here and haven't seen really a whisper of anything like this mentioned but certainly people have their personal preferences, and have expressed it here....

any "scientific" studies/performance comparisons been done?

Thanks (I think)!

01-18-2012, 07:41 PM
Leader makes their 30P at the plant in Swanton.