View Full Version : Adk1 moving along!

01-17-2012, 07:58 PM
Well I must say that after all of my planning (and the ribbing I got along the way) I am very happy with the way that things have turned out. Really didnt have any major obstacles or things that blind sided me at all. This is due to the 1000+ posts that I have on this site and the great responses that I recieved! Thank you all!

I am very excited and looking forward to starting the Homestead Maple tradition in my family, I being the very first to do so. Looking forward to family and friends visiting the sugarhouse, helping out from time to time and enjoying my syrup. My daughters birthday is March 22 and we are celebrating it by having it in the sugarhouse (hope I have sap to boil)..Pancakes, corn fritters, bacon and sausage and hopefully hot n fresh syrup right out of the filter tank! My BIL family has done this for decades and have always enjoyed it beyond words.

Here is to hoping that everyone has a productive season, but more importantly an enjoyable one!

Greenwich Maple Man
01-17-2012, 08:26 PM
Amen to everything you've said ! Hope you have a blessed and producitve sugaring season. A tradition that I'm sure you and your family will enjoy for generations to come.

01-17-2012, 09:44 PM
Happy to see this!
I ribbed you plenty last year :)
Happy sugaring!

01-17-2012, 10:29 PM
Where in the ADKs are you?

01-18-2012, 05:50 AM
35 minutes north off I90 on RT 30

01-18-2012, 06:29 AM
I'm so happy for you adk1, your lengthy planning will only lead to your success. I know that your family and friends will enjoy your new venture for many years to come. Happy sapping!!!!!!!!!

01-18-2012, 01:17 PM
adk1, glad to hear of your progress.may you enjoy many good seasons of syrup making and I hope we all have a great season.are you any where near northville?I use to hunt that area years ago.

backyard sugaring
01-18-2012, 09:32 PM
Maybe we should all show up at adk sugar shack and have a big plate of pancakes and some fine adk maple syrup. LOL All these years we have waited for this time.
Good luck. Lee

01-19-2012, 05:44 AM
Maybe we should all show up at adk sugar shack and have a big plate of pancakes and some fine adk maple syrup. LOL All these years we have waited for this time.
Good luck. Lee

Yes, but it has been very suspenseful!!!

ADK1L: "Really didnt have any major obstacles or things that blind sided me at all. This is due to the 1000+ posts that I have on this site and the great responses that I recieved!"

Either that or it's the 20 years of planning that you did prior to startup! :D

01-19-2012, 05:56 AM
that could be, that is the way I roll!

backyard sugaring
01-19-2012, 06:55 AM
I hope you don't make the same mistakes I made like burning a pan, cleaning it and doing it all over. They say your not a sugarmaker until you burn a pan did it twice in my first year. Learned a lot that year and thanks to the trader and the members who helped me become a "sugarmaker". Had a ball and can't wait for the season to start. Adk good luck this year. Lee

01-19-2012, 02:11 PM
ADK1 - You have been a good sport in spite of all Your PLANNING and I wish You the very best and hope You make great maple syrup. That said and Heaven forbid......If You should Super Scorch all your pans and you arch melts (It won't happen) this is the year You make maple syrup - no matter what. Plan (1) - Sap in a pot - pot on the stove - boil and boil - maple syrup made - mission accomplished. LOL ---The very best - make lots of maple -----Mike----

Greenwich Maple Man
01-19-2012, 05:35 PM
ADK1 - You have been a good sport in spite of all Your PLANNING and I wish You the very best and hope You make great maple syrup. That said and Heaven forbid......If You should Super Scorch all your pans and you arch melts (It won't happen) this is the year You make maple syrup - no matter what. Plan (1) - Sap in a pot - pot on the stove - boil and boil - maple syrup made - mission accomplished. LOL ---The very best - make lots of maple -----Mike----

What a depressing post!

backyard sugaring
01-19-2012, 08:33 PM
I didn't mean it to be depressing I hope we all have the best season. The past few years I have enjoyed reading the progress of setting up a real sugar house with a plan not like I did it. My wife looks at me and says "seriously" as I add one more thing to this insane hobby. Good luck. Lee

01-20-2012, 05:45 AM
What a depressing post!

Golly Greenwich - Sorry if I depressed You - I really didn't mean too. However - ADK1 and I are Friends and He knows I wish him the very best and we do kid each other back and forth. We also learn from each other. ADK1 is setting up his own operation this year and He has shared his process with us. ADK1 knows how to make Maple Syrup as he has worked on large Sugarin Operations - but - this year He and his Family are Sugarin on their own. If You can't Kid with a friend - who can You Kid with? Lighten Up - March and Maple Time will be here soon. ------Mike-----

01-20-2012, 07:51 AM
From one first generation sugarmaker to another, "Good luck and Have a great sappin' season". Enjoy family and friends and the time spent in the sugar house.:)

01-20-2012, 08:39 AM
Lets get r done boyz! I am so excited I am shaking like the leaves in a November wind!