View Full Version : What's a densimeter?

01-17-2012, 11:21 AM
Dominion and Grimm have one on their web site

says: Syrup Densimeter Brix and Baume Degree , hot 59 , cold 66

Anyone out there have one?

Is this a hydrometer?

I want to accurately test hot syrup and cold. Will this do?

01-17-2012, 02:59 PM
That's what you crazy canucks call a hydrometer

01-18-2012, 08:27 AM
When i posted i hadn't talked to anyone at D&G, after a few calls it sounds like what i want. Graduated 35-75 deg. cold or hot, which i believe is suposed to be brix (that's what was confusing me).

Also what is Baume scale????

I guess i'll know better when it comes in in 2 weeks, for $11 i'll give it a try.

Was posting to see if anyone in Ontario or Quebec has one of these and how they like it.

01-18-2012, 11:58 AM
Beaume is a scale of density, and Brix is a scale of sugar %, Beaume is commonly used in chemicals industries, and you need to know specific gravity of the product you made/used. Go for the Brix one, it is the most used in Maple. as they write, when you test syrup hot(direct from finishing pan)on the densimeter(Hydrometer)you have a mark at 59 brix. when the syrup is at 68F it will mark 66. you will find more suppliers at www.sugarbush.info

01-18-2012, 12:46 PM
I thought it was another method of checking your IQ:lol:


01-20-2012, 11:01 AM
THanks for the info CBOYER,

It's got both brix and baume apparently. I'll find out in when it arrives...have you seen or used one?

Hope it fits in the old stainless thermos i dug up.

Can't wait to test my sap...the guy up the road has 1000 tapped and has some 4.5%....hope those genes are in my bush!!!

01-29-2012, 08:39 PM
It's in.... well both are in , sap and syrup hydrometers. For the syrup hydrometer red lines at 59 brix cold@60 deg and 67 brix hot@211deg. They look like they are going to work for my situation, i may test their accuracy with the help of the neighbor's refractometer....time permiting. Trails are packed , trees are marked, arch is set-up, pans cleaned, bottles are ready ......some one say spring yet??????

01-30-2012, 11:50 AM
Hillbilly, now you got me confused: :o I just bought my 1st hydrometer also. Red lines at 59 HOT--- 67 COLD. Im new at this never used one yet, just wanna make sure. PS how do you auto quote?

"For the syrup hydrometer red lines at 59 brix cold@60 deg and 67 brix hot@211deg"

02-06-2012, 11:54 AM
What's confusing you Tom?

02-06-2012, 03:49 PM
Hillbilly, the confusion comes from the hot cold readings. The hydrometer I just bought reads 59 HOT test @ 211 degrees & 67 COLD test at 60 Degrees. I just want to make sure on this as this is my first time using one. Your post of 1/29 has the hot & cold opposite, hence the confusion. Tom

02-07-2012, 09:26 AM
I guess i messed up on the latest post, it's 59 hot and 67 cold.
