View Full Version : No snow this year does that hurt or help

01-16-2012, 06:33 PM
Well, we have had no snow at all so far this year. It also has not been all that cold, only a few days below freezing. Its at least another month before I would tap, but just wondering if the lack of snow/cold will help or hurt production. Looking to jump up to 15 trees and 2 gallons this year.

red maples
01-16-2012, 09:33 PM
no snow is not as good as having a good snow pack. the snow keeps the ground from freezing real solid and also keeps a constant flow of water to the tree roots. I hope we get some more before tap. but so far it doesn't look good!!

01-17-2012, 06:24 AM
In 1980 we did not have snow cover in Vermont until January 20th (a record, I think). I recall that 1980 was also a banner year for sugaring.

01-17-2012, 09:23 AM
Yeah! I looked back and that was a good year, plus there's so much water in the ground right now in VT.

01-17-2012, 09:28 AM
I would normally say that this would help, based on the mild winter so far. It helps for collecting and everythings that much easier without 2' of snow. That being said in fall i noticed that around here in NY since we recieved almost 53" of rain as of october, my maples started rotting i'm assuming due to water logged root systems. so i'm thinking that will have a detrimental trickle down to maple season So i think that regardless of snow pack the season will be dictated on whether or not the root systems sustained too much damage.

01-17-2012, 02:00 PM
got about 4 inches of water in the back yard now :( hope it helps.

01-17-2012, 07:53 PM
Sorry JerseyMaple, you guys got your snow in October:(

01-18-2012, 05:40 PM
Tell me about that one. Drove from Narragansett RI to home after a 90th birthday party for one of wifes aunts. Connecticut was a disaster, tappen zee bridge a disaster, Rockland County a disaster. No snow by the time I hit Newark,NJ. Must have seen 20 cars piled into trees, guardrails, ditches etc.

sugar ED
01-18-2012, 07:11 PM
I would normally say that this would help, based on the mild winter so far. It helps for collecting and everythings that much easier without 2' of snow. That being said in fall i noticed that around here in NY since we recieved almost 53" of rain as of october, my maples started rotting i'm assuming due to water logged root systems. so i'm thinking that will have a detrimental trickle down to maple season So i think that regardless of snow pack t
he season will be dictated on whether or not the root systems sustained too much damage.
MaplePancakeMan ,I've Seen alot of that (areas of trees dying) mainly after some kind of construction ,new roads ,ditches ect. ... My trees are on the side of a hill and I've had to dig a ditch and keep it cleared out (leaves ect.) over the years ,as the low areas, didn't drain off and trees roots were not getting the air thay needed, after the ditch happy trees again .lol....... (think we need below freezing temps and alittle ground frost ) for a good season to begain ! Snow helps but not sure if we realy need anymore this year !! it's been great on the my back ! as I'd rather look at the snowshovel than use it !