View Full Version : blanket or board??

01-15-2012, 04:52 PM
i have been reading the posts about using ceramic blanket under the fire brick and the concerns about crushing it. what about using the rigid board ceramic insulation. i have a new mason 2x4 hobby and i am going to insulate this coming weekend. it seems the board would easier to work with. what are the differences between using each?
i want to make it as efficient as possible and am going to 1/2 brick it over insulation, but was looking for any other suggestions.
i thought i knew what i was going to do until i started readed all the posts and now i am not sure, maybe looking to much into it.

01-16-2012, 08:09 AM
Go with the board. You cut it with a utility knife. All you do is lay it in the arch and brick over it. It will also keep it efficient.

01-16-2012, 11:18 AM
I think people who used blanket will tell you blanket and people who used board will tell you board. You are not really going to go wrong with either. They will both do the job, though you can get blanket with a higher temp. rating, and they both cut easily with a utility knife.

It will really just depend on how easily you can get your hands on either and what kind of price you can get. Check around your area. for some reason some people are able to get one and not the other. It seems like that's what people base their decisions on. You'll be happy with whichever you get.


mountain man maple
01-18-2012, 12:12 PM
Redoing my 2x6 arch with blanket. Don't know if I can use the full bricks in firebox area or if I should use split bricks so not to lose as much space. Will the 2 inches lost make much heating difference on the finish pan?

01-18-2012, 02:08 PM
It won't make a difference. The bricks are just to protect insulation so a half will be fine.

miller maple
01-18-2012, 02:21 PM
were is the best place to get the board

mountain man maple
01-18-2012, 04:21 PM
I know that split bricks are fine as far as protecting blanket. But I have full bricks what I want to know is the space I lose using full bricks vs splits will that make much heating difference?

Bucket Head
01-18-2012, 04:41 PM
Well, you are losing a little area for wood, so splits would be preferred. However, it probably won't be enough lost area to be noticable. The efficiency gained by the use of the insulation will make better use of the heat you can produce than before the insulation. Since you have them, put the full bricks in. If later on you think the splits would make a difference, get them and install. But I think your going to be happy with what your rig will do with all the heat being retained under the pans, like its supposed to be.
