View Full Version : Automation and Web Browser Control

01-14-2012, 10:51 PM
I'm a fan of automation. It pays for itself pretty quick, just in the peace of mind. I have been looking at being able to start my vac pump remotely, monitor my sap (water) meter, and keep an eye on my sap tank level from my smart phone.

Check this out:


All I know is the switch to turn the vac pump on will need to be a hand-off-auto with a 24V relay. My water meter has a dry lead that contacts every 10 gallons, so that can be monitored. My sap storage level will be monitored with a 4-20mA output ultrasonic level sensor. I should be able to hook the R-Lite-Web to the wifi router in the sugarhouse, I imagine. It can even text you at levels you determine. I figure a temperature reading would be handy, too.

Anyone every try this, or am I on my own?

01-15-2012, 08:50 AM
I am very interested in this, but have no clue how to set it up or use it. I did buy a smart phone so that I could do something like this. Was thinking more on the deer cam side of things though. I have bitten off more than I can chew at this point in time trying to get ready for the upcoming season and this idea has been put on hold. Do you have the knowledge on how to put this together and make it work? I would be extremely interested.

01-15-2012, 09:29 AM
I'm actually going to school for this kind of stuff (computer information systems) and should have my bachelors this time next year.

Unfortunately I don't really have experience setting up that sort of thing. Based on what you describe that R-Lite-Web certainly looks like it would work for your needs and not require any programming on your part, I just wouldn't be sure how the actual wiring would be done.

01-15-2012, 09:36 AM
This is a friggin great idea. So far, I have just figured out how to stream my iTunes music to my sugarhouse which has been a REAL plus. Thats as automated as I have gotten.

I did see this thing called the iGrill for smart phones that I of course thought of an application for sugaring. Via a wifi network it has a probe you can stick in your meat on the grill and set the alarm to alert you on your iPhone when it reaches a certain temp. If it has the threshold to get above 210, could be a useful thing.

01-15-2012, 06:32 PM
Luckily my Dad is an electrical engineer. He made me a control box to keep my sap head tank and permeate head tank at desired levels using pumps and floats. But he used 24V relays for safety. I can store some sap in my second floor, but most of my storage is on ground level due to the weight. I was tired of turning pumps on and off to maintain levels of gravity fed tanks. I overflowed on occasion... Now I can turn pumps on, off, or automate with Dad's system. But that is stuff I care about when I'm actually in the sugarhouse.

This R-Lite-Web takes it a step further. I can have access to info I care about when I'm not present. I think we'll get it hooked up, but might need to research some things to get it right. I'll let you know.

Maple Hobo
01-15-2012, 07:00 PM
We have the draw off on the evaporator, its great.
We have a feed tank off the raw sap tank that is fed by a sump pump that is automated partially...
The RO unit has auto shutoffs too that keep us from baby setting it as much.

The sump/pump controllers are easy to set up. You can but them for sump pumps and basicaly they are self contained with an extension cord with a male/female plug at the end (10-20 feet) Basicaly it plugs in between the power outlet and the pumps power cord.

I have a down ON and up OFF float switch that maintains the level in the feed tank and I want to put a down OFF and up ON float switch in the sap tank to keep the sump from running when the tank is empty if I miss catching it.

I just attach the cord on the float to a section pipewith a zip tie and use a spring clamp to hold the pipe to the side of the feed tank. Squease the clamp and slide the pipe up or down to adjust. The sap tank float will be zip tied to the side of the PVC pipe the pump has.

I want to add a temperature and wet sensor controller to the vaccume pump and a counter on the releasor to keep count on it.
I guess I could install a couple flow meters..lol

01-17-2012, 06:59 PM
So I sent a email to IGrill and it goes up to 400 and it can be used with a Iphone,Touch and Ipad , sound cool( or hot! )

This is a friggin great idea. So far, I have just figured out how to stream my iTunes music to my sugarhouse which has been a REAL plus. Thats as automated as I have gotten.

I did see this thing called the iGrill for smart phones that I of course thought of an application for sugaring. Via a wifi network it has a probe you can stick in your meat on the grill and set the alarm to alert you on your iPhone when it reaches a certain temp. If it has the threshold to get above 210, could be a useful thing.

07-21-2013, 10:53 PM
I know this thread is old, but in case you guys are still looking for an automation solution...

(full monitoring and automation wireless system, using smartphones, for sugarmaking)...

07-22-2013, 06:56 AM
That's cool but how do you buy it is it a kit of like 5 vacuum sensors and a couple of tank sensors also what is the cost and can display things in English or only French thanks a lot.

07-22-2013, 09:26 PM
It's fully customizable: you buy what you need.

The basics to make the network operational :
1 gateway (400$)
1 Android smartphone with bluetooth (Samsung Galaxy Rugby LTE recommended)

The options :
pressure sensors (400$ each, 385$ for qty 15+, 350$ for qty 50+)
level sensors (450$ each)
relay for remotely triggering electrical devices (450$)
handheld gateway to view your data in the field, while repairing your leaks (450$)

On and all, we're talking about prices ranging from 1$ to 1.50$ per taps, depending on how your tubing are installed. It is user-friendly, so very easy to install. You simply scan the barcode on each device and name it in the application, and that's it.

Note: without the handheld gateway, you cannot view your data in the field, but you can view them at your shack where the main gateway is, and anywhere that you can connect to the internet (if you also have internet access at your operation), and anywhere that you can have cell coverage (if you also have cellular coverage at your operation).

And, the Android application is both in French and English.

07-23-2013, 07:23 AM
That sounds really cool maybe in the future I will get it just to have another gadget but for now it isn't necessary.

07-23-2013, 01:28 PM
So for $850 or so, I could at least have a level sensor in my woods tank to tell me when to go collect? How about temperature sensors?

07-23-2013, 03:06 PM
It's fully customizable: you buy what you need.

The basics to make the network operational :
1 gateway (400$)
1 Android smartphone with bluetooth (Samsung Galaxy Rugby LTE recommended)

The options :
pressure sensors (400$ each, 385$ for qty 15+, 350$ for qty 50+)
level sensors (450$ each)
relay for remotely triggering electrical devices (450$)
handheld gateway to view your data in the field, while repairing your leaks (450$)

On and all, we're talking about prices ranging from 1$ to 1.50$ per taps, depending on how your tubing are installed. It is user-friendly, so very easy to install. You simply scan the barcode on each device and name it in the application, and that's it.

Note: without the handheld gateway, you cannot view your data in the field, but you can view them at your shack where the main gateway is, and anywhere that you can connect to the internet (if you also have internet access at your operation), and anywhere that you can have cell coverage (if you also have cellular coverage at your operation).

And, the Android application is both in French and English.

Really cool system. This sounds quite similar to one we saw during Maple Mainia this June at Claude Rodrigues? Very impressive system but certainly can see the benefit of having this and payback for them must be under 1 year just in time savings.

Something to think about when I get a new phone.

07-24-2013, 04:42 PM
So for $850 or so, I could at least have a level sensor in my woods tank to tell me when to go collect? How about temperature sensors?

Yes, you've got it right.

As for temperature sensors, there are ambient temperature sensors included in each pressure sensor box. You can also have an independent device with thermocouple so that you can check the temperature of your electrical devices.

07-24-2013, 04:48 PM
Really cool system. This sounds quite similar to one we saw during Maple Mainia this June at Claude Rodrigues? Very impressive system but certainly can see the benefit of having this and payback for them must be under 1 year just in time savings.

Something to think about when I get a new phone.

Actually, we gave a class seminar at Maple Mania last June but we didn't have a booth though. So, if you are talking about the system that was presented in the seminar, then, yes, it was actually that system.

If you are talking about Claude Rodrigue's operation. Then it is completely a different thing. From what I know, they monitor their vacuum with analog gauges at the end of each main lines and they also have cameras in their pumping stations, but that's all.

maple man-iac
07-24-2013, 11:56 PM
I purchased a remote monitoring system packaged by Marcland Instruments. I monitor tank level, vacuum and air temperature. I can set parameters for each sensor to alert me via cell phone when a parameter is reached. Via internet connection through cell phone I can check on the sensors at anytime. The system was very pricey, however I did select the best of available sensors. I could have sourced all the components myself and saved some money. I choose to have Marcland package it solely for one call technical support. The system literally paid for itself immediately. You know exactly when to report to the woods, no wasted trips.

07-25-2013, 07:39 AM
I will be installing a tank level monitoring and controls to turn on and off a pump to pump sap 3000 feet to the sugar house. The idea is to view and control via smart phone. Adding vacuum monitoring of a few mainline ends would be really nice too. As far as I know there is the Marcland system http://www.marcland-usa.com/satellite_monitoring.htm, the taptrack system http://taptrack.ca/ and smartrek http://www.smartrektechnologies.com/home_en/index.php. Buying components and installing them is also an option. The smartrek system looks to have the most different functions. Both the taptrack and the smartrek operate via 900 mhz radio system. They create a private network of radios similar to cell phone networks. I'm also looking at using a 900 mhz ethernet bridge http://www.radiolabs.com/products/wireless/900-mhz-wireless-bridge-link.php to send my internet connection from the office 1800 feet to the pump house then using a smart phone controlled relayhttp://www.controlbyweb.com/ to monitor and control the tank level and pump. Obviously this project is in the early stages. I would welcome any other suggestions.