View Full Version : snow day, time to tinker in the shop

01-12-2012, 07:52 PM
Was "tinkering" with a tap/tubeing idea i had and wanted to see what you all thought..... One of our woods has 1200 taps on vac. that uses the black plastic health spouts, (the ones with the 5 small raised barbs at the end of the spout to hold in the tree better). These are not adaptors but actual taps. Anyway i ordered smart spouts to replace the very old black health spouts. The smart spouts are the clear plastic taps that are supposed to seal better, less bacteria, more performance because of less sharp angle and less restriction. Here is where the tinkering comes in..... Instead of cutting all the health spouts off and replaceing with smart spouts, (which i was going to do at first) I took a piece of IPL 4-seasons lateral line (5/16), and then forced one end of it onto the health spout past the 5 small "tree barbs". You can pull all day on it and not get it off, My thought is what if i would make up 1200 smart spouts with lets say a 6 inch piece of new 4-seasons and not only have a sparkling brand new tap in the tree but also a 6 inch brand new piece of drop line. Would that 6 inch "bacteria buffer" along with the new tap really increase my production, instead of just somewhat of a increase with just a new tap??? A side note the only way i could get the health spout off the 6 inch line was to either cut the side or take a vice grip and twist and pull to pop it off. So actually a person could easily make these up every year if it would work and just use a vice grip to get the old ones off and put new ones on each year. I know 24" - 30" new drops would be better but what if 6" of new drop would be just as good???

Greenwich Maple Man
01-12-2012, 08:44 PM
Was "tinkering" with a tap/tubeing idea i had and wanted to see what you all thought..... One of our woods has 1200 taps on vac. that uses the black plastic health spouts, (the ones with the 5 small raised barbs at the end of the spout to hold in the tree better). These are not adaptors but actual taps. Anyway i ordered smart spouts to replace the very old black health spouts. The smart spouts are the clear plastic taps that are supposed to seal better, less bacteria, more performance because of less sharp angle and less restriction. Here is where the tinkering comes in..... Instead of cutting all the health spouts off and replaceing with smart spouts, (which i was going to do at first) I took a piece of IPL 4-seasons lateral line (5/16), and then forced one end of it onto the health spout past the 5 small "tree barbs". You can pull all day on it and not get it off, My thought is what if i would make up 1200 smart spouts with lets say a 6 inch piece of new 4-seasons and not only have a sparkling brand new tap in the tree but also a 6 inch brand new piece of drop line. Would that 6 inch "bacteria buffer" along with the new tap really increase my production, instead of just somewhat of a increase with just a new tap??? A side note the only way i could get the health spout off the 6 inch line was to either cut the side or take a vice grip and twist and pull to pop it off. So actually a person could easily make these up every year if it would work and just use a vice grip to get the old ones off and put new ones on each year. I know 24" - 30" new drops would be better but what if 6" of new drop would be just as good???

My first thought is you will be cutting back on the flow by making the sap go through a second tap . One by going through the smaller opening on the end of the tap. Two by adding another 45 degree elbow that isn't really needed. Again that is my first thought I would just use the new spout and chop the old one off. But that is just my 2 cents.