View Full Version : Dumb question....can I redrill a hole later in the season?

01-10-2012, 09:54 PM
OK, we are having crazy weather here. We are planning on tapping this week, but I anticipate that at some point in Feb the holes will start to heal and our sap volume will decrease like it has every year. Can I just pull the taps a re-drill the same hole a little larger to re-open it?

01-10-2012, 10:09 PM
Its called reaming and its not recommended. The hole isn't healing up at that point, what's causing it to dry up is the growth of micro-organisms in the tap hole. Reaming will give you a temporary boost in sap production, but its very short term as the bacteria will quickly recolonise the hole. All you're really doing is putting more stress on the tree for a very short term increase in sap production.

01-11-2012, 07:35 AM
Can I just pull the taps a re-drill the same hole a little larger to re-open it?

What you are actually asking is two questions.

Can I pull taps and redrill? Sure you can.

Will it help? Not much. You may get a short period of more sap, but it is temporary. Whether it is worth it depends upon how much you have to pay for the labor, and how quickly the holes clog up (dry out) again....typically it's fairly quick.

01-11-2012, 02:03 PM
What we noticed last year: we tapped on January 18. Had great flow through early Feb, then got several warm spells where the sap stopped flowing. After that warm spell, we tapped another 20 trees and had very heavy flow from them, but the other 100 we had already tapped did not flow as much. I guess its the nature of the beast!

Rossell's Sugar Camp
01-11-2012, 02:54 PM
Dont jump the gun. it is too early

01-11-2012, 04:40 PM
We tapped about this time last year, too. Its a bit earlier than normal, but our weather is quite abnormal this year. I may be taking a chance, but we only put out 35 taps today and will put out another 15 tomorrow. We will still have another 125 to do and we will wait a few weeks to do those. Keep in mind that I am basically in Louisville, KY.

220 maple
01-12-2012, 09:06 PM
Matt M.
My sister lives in Brandonburg, Ky. I visited a Mr. Paul Schultz about 5 miles south of Brandonburg he makes some syrup also. I did notice that there appears to be several Sugar Maple trees in that location.

Mark 220 Maple

Dave Y
01-20-2012, 07:38 PM
While reaming holes is not recommended by experts, it has worked for us. When we put in our bucket taps we drill a 19/64 hole. then when the sap flow drops off we watch for a period of predicted good sap weather. then we go out and ream our bucket taps with a 5/16 bit. many times we wont ream the red maples because they may be close to being done. several years ago I reamed holes on Good Friday and made half of my crop after that. The trees had all but stopped running before that. So what I am saying is if you think you can help your self by reaming by all means do so.

01-20-2012, 07:53 PM
You can do it, and it might improve sap flow for a few days, but then it will shut down again. so, it all depends on howq muc htime it takes for you to do it etc. It will damage your trees alittle more if you expand the area of staining too