View Full Version : Fire brick or not?

01-04-2012, 09:01 PM
I am lining my 2x6 leader with 1" arch board purchased from Bascoms. Do I have to brick it also or just leave the arch board?

01-04-2012, 09:32 PM
You should atleast brick the firebox area. Bricks protect the board.

Bucket Head
01-04-2012, 10:15 PM
Yes, bricking the firebox is a must. I used half bricks, or "splits", to save space in mine. They are half as thick as a full fire brick.


01-05-2012, 05:59 AM
I just bought 2" thick ceramic wool blanket. Am going to line the arch under the flue pans with it. I will brick the firebox area with full thickness brick. Not planning on lining the firebox area with the blanket at the moment, but that may change. IF I do, I would get the 1/2 brick to do that. THen mortar everything in.

01-05-2012, 03:54 PM
You should use Refractory Cement to lay your brick up , not mortar , which would crumble the first time you boil .

01-05-2012, 07:22 PM
yeah that is what I meant. I have the refractory cement.

Bucket Head
01-05-2012, 09:47 PM
You should put the blanket in the firebox also. Its the hottest part of the whole rig! You won't be able to stand near it without almost setting your pants on fire. Been there and done that. Seriously, keep that heat where it belongs, under the pan, not radiating out and warming everything else. And do the the door(s) too.


01-06-2012, 03:25 AM
I would do both 1" blanket and brick in the fire box, keep the heat in not coming out. 2" blanket under the flue sounds like a good idea, as long as it builds you up close enough to the flue to force the heat up into them.

I have a Leader Vortex coming and that is similar to how they suggest you do it.

01-06-2012, 06:03 AM
I would do both 1" blanket and brick in the fire box, keep the heat in not coming out. 2" blanket under the flue sounds like a good idea, as long as it builds you up close enough to the flue to force the heat up into them.

I have a Leader Vortex coming and that is similar to how they suggest
ou do it.

do the new evaps brick in front of the blanket under the flue pan or is it left exposed?

01-09-2012, 09:33 AM
I would if you have time and the bricks. I lined mine with 1/2" blanket and fire bricked the hole thing. It is amazing how much heat they give off once they get up to temp. My arch will continue to evaporate for a hour or two after the fire goes out just from the residual heat from the bricks.

01-09-2012, 09:56 AM
i was wondering about a blanket also, purchased a 2x4 mason hobby evap with blower, should i use blanket and fire brick or just fire brick. also i was not going to "mortar" the brick because i plan on moving in to "my new sugershack" later is this a big deal? i have the instructions from bill mason but thought i could get better efficiency from blanket. i am hoping for about 12-15 gph with blower is this realistic?

Starting Small
01-26-2012, 11:49 AM
Is a blanket the same thing as arch paper? It sounds as it everyone cements in the fire brick. Is this a must? I am thinking of selling it in a year and may not want to include the firebrick in the sale.