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View Full Version : GPS map of my southwest NH sugarbush

12-30-2011, 10:10 PM
I use a Garmin ForeRunner (http://www.amazon.com/Garmin-Forerunner-Wireless-GPS-Enabled-Monitor/dp/B0011UNMIK) when I run, and it's easy to download the tracks and import into Google Earth. So that's what I did! I also added a USGS map overlay to show contours.

Just walking alongside each lateral and mainline, I put this together to share my progress with friends on Facebook:


I discovered in the process too that Google Earth will generate (using its own terrain data) an elevation profile along a path, which for this example is my mainline. Glad to see the program agrees it's all downhill!


Hmm...what else can I do with this?


12-31-2011, 04:21 PM
thats pretty cool. a forestery guy in my area does a similar procedure mapping your sugrbush roads, mainlines etc. the detail on his system is really refined and the acuracy is very close. Acier forestry , cool maps. i think in a sugarworks large or small mapping can be usefull, or at least fun to keep track of stuff.