View Full Version : where the heck is everone!!!

12-29-2011, 11:27 AM
hey i know it's just past christmas but its only about 6 weeks until it's tapping time and i don't see many excited guys out there.
i have so much to do, new evaporator 2x4 mason with forced air, that needs to be bricked, need to buy more buckets and taps, want about 100more, i'm looking for new hauling tanks and storage tanks, probably won't get the new shack built before the season so i'll be using my second garage this year. there are so many things to do and buy, i can't wait till put that first tap in, maybe because i'm still new to this but it's like opening of deer season,which by the way was pretty bad, lots of deer but no "shooters". going this weekend to cut wood and mark more trees for tapping. this season should be interesting as most of my taps will be on a steep hill and all will be buckets and sap will be carried to to haul tank by hand. should be in good shape by april. but the real fun is hauling the sap down the hill,did i mention it's very steep and usually muddy, and not spilling or crashing.

wake up everyone this is our preseason!!!!

12-29-2011, 03:58 PM
Hey bowtie, several of us have been hanging out on a new Maple site http://www.sugarbush.info/forums/index.php

Bruce L
12-29-2011, 04:08 PM
never heard of it Cindy,I will be checking it out

Flat Lander Sugaring
12-29-2011, 05:54 PM

12-29-2011, 07:38 PM

Say again?

I'm with you Bowtie. Been doing something every day to hope we're ready. gonna start anyway ready or not. gotta make it all work. Doing a test boil saturday in the new shack on a never been fired evap with new pans. I could tap next week if it ran.
Hate to see a lot of the older knowledgeable guys not around because without this site I'd be lost. Glad for the ones who've stayed around and comment.

220 maple
12-29-2011, 08:45 PM
Most of the oldtimers are still watching, and will respond to a private message.

Mark 220 Maple

Mountain Winds Farm
12-29-2011, 09:13 PM
Don't have much time to poke at the computer. Putting in new wet line ,adding 200 more taps ,upgrading the vacuum,moving the pump house ,moving the 2800 gallon tank, p/u the new 1000 gallon bulk tank and set it up, rebuild the AOF,deal with the mud,hope for cold weather and then some snow.Before we know it its time to tap .what fun !!!!!

Bucket Head
12-29-2011, 09:29 PM
I'm still here! Actually, I'm a user on both the Trader and the newer maple website. Both are very good. However, since Mapletrader is the original and been around longer, there are years and years worth of old posts with valuable information and photos in them. I'm allways going through old posts for information, helpfull observations and suggestions. The other site does'nt have the same size "library". There are a lot of guys who are users here but their not on the other one, and vise-versa. Register for both of them and use both of them. Compared to the hundreds of websites some other hobbies/industries have, we are very fortunate to have these two resources!


backyard sugaring
12-29-2011, 10:05 PM
Still working on my addtion to my barn. New pan not yet finished would be in trouble if the sap started to run. Thanks for the info on the new site. I will always be thankful for the Maple Guys providing us with this wonderful site. Happy New Year

12-30-2011, 09:35 AM
GramaCindy -- I was wondering the same thing - Where the heck is everyone.... I followed Your advice and went to the Link You have Posted - and like magic --- There are most of the Mapletrader Guys and Gals --- However -- I did everything they required and kept getting rejected -- Except they has a French word atarting with f and I don't have a French keyboard so impossible for me to type the word they require --- So Far - this site is not at all User Friendly like mapletrader.com and am a bit disgusted with it -------At least I know where everyone is --LOL--even if I can't get there.....Thanks Cindy ----Mike/Ausable..
Hey bowtie, several of us have been hanging out on a new Maple site http://www.sugarbush.info/forums/index.php

12-30-2011, 09:41 AM
Yup, getting close to game time! My 2x6 will be delivered on Monday! tomorrow will be spent preparing for its arrival!

12-30-2011, 11:27 AM
http://www.sugarbush.info/forums/index.php ------Same foolish questions and the same foolish answers---I won't be spending much time there. They've got the Gov giving all of his out dated advice there!!

red maples
12-30-2011, 02:23 PM
I will go there now and again just another mapleplace to visit. Brian did a good job with it though....I only have a few years experience and I was that first year guy asking the same questions just a few years ago, I have to admitt those questions do get repetative but I still try to offer a little advice when I have time...although time has been a little precious as of late.

12-30-2011, 02:32 PM
I did notice that there are alot of members of this site on that one? Why would we need two sites?

12-30-2011, 03:00 PM
I to have been on both sites and enjoy them both. As far as repetative questions are concerned not every producer has the same amount of experience as others and I thought the idea of these type of sites was to educate producers on maple syrup production.

12-30-2011, 05:40 PM
They did a nice job with Sugarbush.info. The Mapletrader has been around for awhile and there is alot of valuable information is buried in this website. I'll continue to use it as long as its up and running.

12-30-2011, 07:11 PM
I think everyone is checking out the "new site"

12-31-2011, 06:24 AM
http://www.sugarbush.info/forums/index.php ------Same foolish questions and the same foolish answers---I won't be spending much time there. They've got the Gov giving all of his out dated advice there!! Never mind....................

12-31-2011, 09:39 AM
I've never understood what everyone had against the gov. I became a member just after he was banned and he deleted most of his posts. I would rather hear advice from someone with experience than someone who has never made maple syrup.

12-31-2011, 11:47 AM
Where is everyone? Should be out in the woods! Now that the Christmas rush is over it is that time again. The fever is starting even if it is a low grade one for sugaring. We are taking the pumps
and other gear out of storge and checking it over for problems. I think we will have an early year and I dont want to miss an early run. This week we are helping out a young new sugar maker. A neighbor, 7th grade, has been dreaming of this for 2 years now and finally Mom and Dad have agreed. He is starting out with the basics and history of making maple syrup. I sent my right hand man, Todd , out with Luke to teach him how to set up a small sugar bush with 1200 taps. It does my heart good to see this kid so excited when he goes out in the morning to work and at the end of the day, even when he is so tired, to be the same in starting the next day. So we all should remember to encourage these young folks whe they show an interest in learning to be a "Sugar Maker"

Gary R
12-31-2011, 12:02 PM
Sugarmaster and Linda,

Good to hear from you all. Looks like I should come out and be your neighbor :lol:We have been chipping away at many upgrades this year. Hoping to make it to small producer status by shooting for 60 gal. this year. Good luck on the coming season.

70 Buick
12-31-2011, 12:40 PM
I am a member at both sites
Brian did an awesome job setting it up

Why knock it BTW?, it is just another place to go for answers, no need to be nasty
It is better to have 2 places to go than one I would think

KV Sappers
12-31-2011, 03:29 PM
I belong to both sites. I have so much to learn I figure the more info I can gather the better. I like both sites and will continue to use both. Maple trader has so much valuable info and being the first site it would be a shame if people stopped using it. I know a lot of comments were made about the changes to the site and perhaps this is the reason the other site was established. Some people don't like changes others don't have a problem with it. I'm sure both sites will continue to offer good advise for all. My 2 cents worth.

01-02-2012, 08:52 PM
Checking both sites, but not as often due to other new hobbies too!
Both have good information. I have a lot of posts on the trader too. I was not real thrilled with the changes in the trader. Things seem to be working a little better here now.
Should be ready to hang tubing mid to end Jan.

01-02-2012, 09:21 PM
I am a member at both sites
Brian did an awesome job setting it up

Why knock it BTW?, it is just another place to go for answers, no need to be nasty
It is better to have 2 places to go than one I would think

Yeah, why knock it.. It's like having TWO girlfriends instead of one!

Bruce L
01-03-2012, 08:02 AM
I enjoy both sites,not dropping one for the other,but by the way,I may be slow,but who is the Gov.?

01-03-2012, 08:18 AM
The Trader will always be my mistress. I like it here....and i liked looking at the join dates on many of you....see some from back when I got bit...or nearly anyways. I do not see the number of posts that I used to from Brandon, Russ Lampron, and others in the early days. Thanks for this post because I bet most of them still swing by to check whats around....usually just us old farts who read alot more than we speak. Thanks for all the great posts on what worked and didn't. It sure saved me alot of time, money and aggravation.

Oh...and wow am I behind this year! Still building the tank rack for the overhead before I can get to plumbing my new RO for this year. ANd the new Sugarhouse...I will post some new pics soon! Hey Justin Turco.....you cheating on the trader over at the new house? (not knocking anything here and glad to see no really negative things...this is not us and them is it?)

01-18-2012, 08:07 PM
I am new and have been reading a lot of old posts, is Haynes Forest Products still on this site?

01-18-2012, 08:16 PM
Haynes is regularly on Sugarbush.info. He might check in here. Try sending him a PM

01-18-2012, 08:30 PM
Haynes is regularly on Sugarbush.info. He might check in here. Try sending him a PM

I was going to.... but i read a post that said he was having a hard time figuring out the PM system on the site.

01-31-2012, 07:27 PM
Like many others... checking both www.sugarbush.info and wwwmapletrader.com. Some members seem more actice on one over the other but most post to both. Just a different feel between each with a few extras thrown in.

Dave Puhl
02-01-2012, 10:05 PM
I am here...just heard about sugarbush...my last 6 years have been on trader along with my daily log for them years ...so many people come read info and never post...its always nice to share info...