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View Full Version : Aluminum vs galvinized buckets

12-26-2011, 07:41 AM
Looking to buy used buckets. I can find used aluminum for $3.00 each. Should I waite for a good deal on galvinized, or are these okay? Any imput is great, as I am just getting started. Thanks in advance. Doug

Bucket Head
12-26-2011, 12:59 PM
I think thats a good deal. You probably won't find galvanized ones for that. Well, good ones anyway- they will be pretty rough. Three bucks is a lot better than what their getting for brand new ones!


12-26-2011, 04:35 PM
The only thing I do not like about alum. buckets is their weight. If you are tapping in an exposed area and its windy, then they can blow off. Otherwise alum. is better than galv. buckets which typically have lead solder.