View Full Version : Dual wood and oil fired evaporator?

12-20-2011, 12:07 PM
Does anyone have an evaporator that is convertible and can burn either oil or wood?
I've searched around, but got no hits on any such thing.

I have an oil fired 4x10 Grimm that the prior owner moved the burner on. The burner was moved from the front of the arch to the back where a blower might be.

I'm interested in having the convenience of oil at times and the economy of wood at other times. I can see how the oil burner might even be used to get a wood fire started.

I realize that the configuration of the firebox is different between oil and wood, but I'm wondering if an acceptable compromise might be achieved with some adjustable/removable baffles and/or draft control.

The burner on back might be used as just a blower when burning wood. The firebox would have to be bricked to support grates at the right level, and grates would probably have to be removed to fire with oil.

The front would have good airtight doors for firing with wood which would just remain closed during oil firing.

I realize this concept is fraught with complications, but just thought I'd throw the idea out to the group to see what ideas come up.

Thanks for any replies.

12-23-2011, 12:54 PM

Really?, no one has ever heard or seen an evaporator that could use either oil or wood?

Bucket Head
12-23-2011, 05:08 PM
No, I've never seen or heard of an evaporator that could burn both fuels. But that does'nt mean it can't be done. It sounds like you have given some thought to what would be needed. You could try it. This website is full of equipment that was homemade by folks that had an idea and went with it.


12-23-2011, 05:10 PM
Negative. Never heard of it as an option. If possible, the big manufacturers would definitely sell the option since it would be nice to have the capability to switch. The configurations are not at all the same. Give Leader a call in Swanton.

3x10 Inferno Arch
4,200+ Taps
7,5 HP Vacuum pump
Lapierre 600gph RO
3 SS 1500 gallon tanks
24x32 Sugarhouse

12-24-2011, 04:34 AM
Thanks for the replies, Gents.

Guess I'll be plowing new ground as I research the possibilities.

Maple Hobo
12-24-2011, 10:46 AM
Thanks for the replies, Gents.

Guess I'll be plowing new ground as I research the possibilities.

Gas arches can use the blanket insulation... Wood burning would probably wreck it.
You could use oil with fire brick... BUT when you get the injectors dirty with wood ash and creosote it probably wouldn't work well. Not to mention the oil injectors blower blasting the ash around when you fire it up.

Hard to get the heat to cross flow too if the oil injector is in the back near the exhaust stack...

In the end... it would probably be cheaper to have 2 smaller arches dedicated to one fuel type...lol

Bucket Head
12-24-2011, 11:30 AM
The blanket insulation can be used in a wood burning arch. Thats what I installed in mine. You need to line the fire box with fire bricks, or 1/2 bricks (sometimes called splits) like I did. This protects the blanket from the wood being thrown in and when you stoke it. This standard procedure when insulating a wood fired arch. Also, the blanket insulation has a higher heat rating. Mine has a rating of 2600 degrees and I've been very happy with its performance.


12-27-2011, 08:01 PM
My Dad used to spray fuel oil into a wood fired evaporator. He had two nozzles in each of the upper corners.It was a 5X16 King. He converted it to all oil in the late 60's.

Takoda Whitcomb
12-30-2011, 05:23 PM
we were taliking about sugaring in studyhall an one of my friends said he had one that his dad and him built