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View Full Version : Show us your lats!

12-19-2011, 03:31 PM
Like just about everyone else here, I’m out hanging new mains, reworking lats, etc.
My problem is that I spend more time out there scratching my head than actually getting anything done.

Take this scenario for example:
Stand with your butt against a main line. 10 feet directly in front of you is an oak. 45 degrees to the left and 30 feet distant from the oak are two taps. 45 degrees to the right and 30 feet distant from the oak are three more taps. There will not be any more taps in this area in your lifetime.

Do you:
A.) Use the oak as an anchor running all 5 taps (on 2 lats) to it and from there run a line to a single saddle.
B.) Put 2 saddles on the main.

If you chose A, exactly how did you do it?

I chose A in the past. Using 3 T’s and a ring of 5/16 around the oak (leaving room for growth), I aimed a T at each stand of taps and the third T took it to the saddle. I can’t say I’m overly happy with it, it tends to bend up the T’s.

There are a million such scenarios, tricky hook-ups, and solutions to odd-ball problems. I’d bet everyone has at least a half dozen examples in their bush. So next time you are out frogging about in the woods, stuff a camera in your pocket. I think we all could benefit, and I’d love to see how you folks go about picking up that one tree that is just a little out of the way.

Randy Brutkoski
12-19-2011, 05:58 PM
I would show you my lats but all you would look at is my love handles.

12-19-2011, 06:50 PM
When we ran into areas with few maples, we added saddles to reduce the length of 5/16 to the laterals. Most runs average five taps to the laterals with some only having two. Our consultant recommended the extra saddles for vacuum pressure consistency. Gravity might be a little different for you but if you can reduce the number of 45s, you're probably better off.

4,200+ Taps
7,5 HP Vacuum pump
Lapierre 600gph RO
3 SS 1500 gallon tanks
3x10 Inferno Arch
24x32 Sugarhouse

12-19-2011, 07:18 PM
The good Dr. would say "We have no Y fittings in our woods"! or something like that :).. IF I had a pic of my lats I would post it. But I dont have any up. So I will be in the same situiation you are but under pressure!

12-19-2011, 09:18 PM
Option B is your best bet in my opinion. That's what I would do.


Thad Blaisdell
12-19-2011, 10:47 PM
You are thinking too hard. If you are vacuum the answer is easy it should be two lines anyway.

12-31-2011, 12:59 PM
No Y's in the woods. Tubing is cheap run more of it and don't overload. Just my 2 cents.

Brian Ryther
12-31-2011, 03:03 PM
I use "Y's". That's right. On the end tree that is larg enough for two taps I use a "Y" to wrap the tree. If it is a single tap end tree I use the D&G dead fork. But never use a "Y" to bring two laterials together.

12-31-2011, 03:23 PM
No Y's in the woods. Tubing is cheap run more of it and don't overload. Just my 2 cents.

Amen Brother from a different Mother.
