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View Full Version : The count down

12-18-2011, 05:54 PM
After Christmas I usually start my count down to tapping days. Usually the weekend of super bowl sunday. Still have lots to do in sugarhouse and in the woods. Irean pretty much missed alot of my pipelines up and did alot of damamge around here.

Im kind of concerned with the weather this year, today got me thinking(8 degrees this a.m.) that we really havent had any freezing cold days or nights to speak of to this point, dont no if it will make any difference or not.

When are you guys tapping this year?

Maple Rookie

12-18-2011, 06:07 PM
Last year was march 3rd, T minus 73ish days!

12-18-2011, 07:25 PM
I tapped march4th i think, which was late for my area usually in pa. this year I want to be tapped by the last week of february.

12-19-2011, 07:41 AM
I tapped the third week of Feb last year, about two weeks too soon.
The weather forecast was for perfect conditions, but turned out to be wrong (go figure).
First week of March from now on, regardless of the forecast.

12-19-2011, 12:14 PM
I will watch the weather starting the second week of feb. will either be tapped by the last weekend of feb or first weekend of March.