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View Full Version : Coating Ceramic Blanket?

12-16-2011, 10:03 AM
His anyone coated blanket with high temp cement? Planning to brick over blanket in the fire box, but maybe just using blanket on the ramp. Then mixing up some refractory cement and making a crust.

I'm guessing that I need to weld in some sort of support to keep the bricks from crushing the blanket in the fire box. I have searched, but not found out much.

Any input would be appreciated.


red maples
12-16-2011, 12:12 PM
not a big fan of blanket for under bricks but I would think you would have some trouble cementing in the blanket. I always reccomend the arch board its so easy to use and install, its ridged cuts with a box knife and stays in place no need to worry about crushing from bricks.

but I never heard of a brick support. no you don't need one.

12-16-2011, 12:55 PM
Red, I would have liked the board, could not find any local. Shipping was a lot more than the board cost. This weekend I plan to see how this project comes together.

Thanks for the reply.

12-17-2011, 07:37 AM
I did exactly that last week I was bricking the arch and came to the ramp and said why couldn't I just skim the insulation to protect it so I did . Looks great and was esey to do but I have not fired it yet. To be clear I bricked the fire box and the sides but the ramp under the flues I just skimmed with high temp cement if it doesn't work I will brick it later.


12-17-2011, 12:20 PM
Hi Nathan, I think that we will find out together. How much space did you leave under the flues? The rig that I'm working on would have 2 1/2 inches under a 24X36 pan with 5" flues. This is a new build so I don't know what it likes. Maybe I should fire it up and test to see if I need to put something under the blanket before I seal it up.

Good luck

I did exactly that last week I was bricking the arch and came to the ramp and said why couldn't I just skim the insulation to protect it so I did . Looks great and was esey to do but I have not fired it yet. To be clear I bricked the fire box and the sides but the ramp under the flues I just skimmed with high temp cement if it doesn't work I will brick it later.


Logan Cabin
01-15-2012, 12:17 PM
You can get a liquid product that will harden the ceramic blanket. I'm hoping to track some down and use on the file cabinet arch I built last year.