View Full Version : Selling Syrup in PA??

Dennis H.
12-16-2011, 06:50 AM
Ok I would like to get a license to sell maple syrup in PA, what have you done to get licensed?

I looked thru the Dept of Ag's website and found a doc for Maple syrup producers and a form to fill out for a home food processor.
I called yesterday down to Harrisburg, that is my office to call, and was told that I needed the wholesaler/producers form instead of the home food processor form. They are about the same so no big deal.

It states that I have to get my water tested and septic system checked.
Now the biggest thing is the well testing. The way I read the form I will be required to test my well quarterly for 3 coliforms and nitrates and nitrides. Ok so I called a lab that does water testing, they charge $22 per test and each of the above is considered 1 test, that will run me $110!! ouch.
The septic check will be $60, I am assuming just once and done.

If this infact is correct how the heck is the small producer able to afford these costs?

Do you all have to do these or is there somthing somewhere else that states under a certain size producer we don't have to do this?

Any help would be great.

12-16-2011, 07:28 AM
I live and sell syrup in Pa. We are inspected once a year in syrup season by a Dept of ag inspector. We are required to have our water tested before that so it is posted on the wall. I get it tested thru the local DEP office which charges $10. We only get it tested once a year. never heard of the septic inspection. We were told we need a bathroom with in 250 feet which our house qualified. I will say each inspector is a little different in what they feel is important for safety. we always found if you work with them they will usually work for you. Selling syrup is not cheap and requires a few hoops to jump thru. Something each producer has to decide if it is worth it for them.

Dennis H.
12-16-2011, 08:05 AM
I am just trying to get to the inspector! I understand from other local people that have to deal with the inspector for other things that he is easy to get along with.

To get him to contact me I have been told that I must fill out this wholesaler/producers application form.
Once it is filled out and has been submitted then the inspector will contact me to setup a time when he can stop by.

I have been told by a person down in Harrisburg that this all stems from the new safe food act 106.

On this application form most things are straight forward, but the one thing that gets me is the well testing.
I got a good answer about the septic system check, they just want to know that it isn't malfuctioning and that adding the food processing doesn't overload the system. Kind of sucks to have to pay $60 for them to give me the required letter but ok it's a one time $60.
But the well thing, I was under the impression that a general water test once a year was it, now I am reading that it is multiple tests 4 times a year.

I am going to call back down today to ask about this. It will be a hardship for the little guys if this is the case!

I tried calling up to Meadville office about info to kind have something to go by but they right away asked what county I am from and once I said Perry they right away stated that I will have to contact my region's office, which is down is Harrisburg.

12-18-2011, 10:38 PM
found our sanatarian at the gas station on day he pretty much said he wasn't going to bother with me since I made such a small quantity! I explained to him what I did to santize everything and how the whole process worked, he said yep sounds good to me!