View Full Version : Newest member

03-03-2006, 05:13 AM
Hi Chris/Kim,
I was looking at the profile for a new member, emariowm, and noticed he/she was from Georgia. This got me to wondering what kind of syrup they make down there so I clicked on the link. It was a bit of an eye opener, not really the kind of link I expected to find on this site :oops:

I really enjoy this site, thank you for all your hard work keeping it up and running.


03-03-2006, 05:51 AM
Yup, it is a continuing and quite annoying problem. I couldn't even tell you how many others like that I delete on a daily basis. Chris and I make an effort to check the member list each morning and evening because each and every day there is someone new who has posted with an offensive website link. They usually use a state that isn't typically a "sugaring" state, so I would encourage everyone not to click on links of new users for at least a day or two, just in case.