View Full Version : Zero tank?

12-14-2011, 04:32 PM
I just purchased a Zero brand dairy tank. How do I know if it is a vacuum tank or not? I am new to vacuum and am considering adding vacuum, If I have a vacuum tank do I need a releaser? I do not have a vacuum pump yet. I don't what to have to purchase more then I need but also don't want to come up short on supplies. Any and all suggestions/comments welcome. Thanks, Mike

PS. The tank is a round 600 gallon with a oval lid and seal. Not sure how to close lid either???

12-14-2011, 04:58 PM
If you have a good tight system a gast 1550 may work and remember if it is a zero tank then you have to keep the vac low but I I don't know how low somebody on here will know.

12-15-2011, 05:55 PM
15 to 20 inches is a good target. Be sure to use a vacuum relief valve, because the vacuum goes quite high as the lines freeze up at night.

12-15-2011, 07:31 PM
Next year I plan on buying the insulted front for my Leaser 2x6 arch and adding a blower to it. That will increase my boil and save on wood. Year # 3 I will look seriously into vac

12-16-2011, 06:11 AM
the one thing i have heard about insulating your arch very tight is that it doesn't get as hot as it used to in your sap house! I know a guy who insulated his arch and said he got cold because so much heat wasn't being thrown into the sugar house. It was concentrated in the evaporator, so that will be good for your wood saving, and your boil rate.

12-16-2011, 06:27 AM
Probably going to make a lot of of people mad but a zero tank is only good for storage. Zero tanks are made for milking cows not trees. Thats how we did it in the old days and I hated it back then. It was a bacteria cesspool. On one cover you pipe in you vac, and other cover sap lines came in. The heat form the vac. is devastating to sap quality. Then every couple hours we shut the vac. down and pumped the tank out. That was the problem with zero tanks was we couldn't pump the tank out under vacuum. Maybe some one on here has a better way of getting sap out of the zero tank so the sap it is not sitting in the there cooking. Look into getting a releaser and use that zero tank for storage and you will make better syrup.

12-17-2011, 01:02 PM
i dissagree entirely with your statement about zero tanks, the thermometer still works on my 400 gal zero tank, when i had all black mainline my sap temp in the tank would be as much as 20 degrees above the air temp on sunny days, i changed much of my lines to leader light blue and have never seen the temp more than a couple degrees above the air temp even on very sunny days. as for pumping them out, i pump mine out under vac all the time with my gas powered 1.5 inch pump, have a quick coupler on the outlet, hook the pump up, and hook up the outlet line which has a tee and a 5/16 line back to the top of the tank with a shutoff valve, open the little 5/16 line and let the vac prime the pump, start the pump and pump away!

maple flats
12-17-2011, 04:40 PM
I also use 1 zero (1000 gal), have all blue 30P mains except 1 old black run of 3/4" x 600'. I only pump it 1 or 2x / day and the sap is still cold. My tank is not in the sun, that might be a problem. As I see it, a Vac tank has 1 downfall, you can't get high vacuum. The rest just must be managed properly.

Jeremy Steeves
12-17-2011, 05:06 PM
I love zeros. Put vacuum on it and try to take the lid off. Those vacuum tanks are tough.
If you do not like it I will buy it!

Greenwich Maple Man
12-17-2011, 09:04 PM
Just wondering while on the topic of vac. if anybody might have any used releasers or pumps. I'm in the market for a couple of both, if there is anybody looking to sell any.

12-18-2011, 09:16 AM
...How do I know if it is a vacuum tank or not?

Good thread on this topic at http://mapletrader.com/community/showthread.php?9341-I-ve-got-Zero-questions

12-18-2011, 05:47 PM
dr tim i think it may have been you who stated one time that the steam you see rising from the sap when you take the cover off a vac tank is not from the heat but from something to do with the fact its under vac? or is my memory failing me on this one?

12-18-2011, 06:31 PM
It is usually not caused by heat per se, but by the lowered vapor pressure in the tank. More akin to fog than steam.

12-19-2011, 10:49 AM
I did not mean to offend anyone. I will say you are better off with a releaser than a zero tank. You will get more sap by running higher vac. and better sap quality. The zero tanks were more labor intensive, we had to baby sit them. Where a releaser just check on them once a while making more time for walking lines.

12-19-2011, 03:06 PM
no offense taken just was stating there advantages to my situation. i have my vac pump on a timer and it comes on when im at work, for me i cant check on a releaser to make sure its not frosty or hung up, whereas a zero tank has nothing to malfuntion and works flawlessly every time, im not sure what babysitting yours needed? mine just work silently as they draw sap from the trees, my releaser works ok but once in a while i would come home from work in the afternoon to the disapointment of finding it hung up from morning ice or frost and thus hardly any sap in the tank

12-19-2011, 03:06 PM
It is usually not caused by heat per se, but by the lowered vapor pressure in the tank. More akin to fog than steam.

thanks dr tim, i knew there was an explanation i just couldnt remember it exactly!

01-04-2012, 05:27 PM
i love my 400 gal zero. we run it at 22 inches of vac and its held up for 2 years. i put a submersable well pump in it on a float switch and it pumps out automaticly.....right to the shack (kinda like a BIG releaser but only kicks on every few hours instead of every few minutes) we also made a clear inlet manifold out of 4in pvc tees and clear lexon pipe so you can see how the saps running. the hole thing was built for around 400 bucks and works as good or better as some VERY expensive factory set ups.

01-09-2012, 08:53 AM
I have searched all over the internet and am unable to find a replacement seal for the lid. It is a 600 gallon tank with an oval lid in the center with 3 inlets on the lid. Does anyone have a source for a replacement seal for these? I have the orginal seal put it is pretty cracked and I doubt it would hold vacuum. Thank for any input on this, Mike

01-09-2012, 09:18 AM
I have searched all over the internet and am unable to find a replacement seal for the lid. It is a 600 gallon tank with an oval lid in the center with 3 inlets on the lid. Does anyone have a source for a replacement seal for these? I have the orginal seal put it is pretty cracked and I doubt it would hold vacuum. Thank for any input on this, Mike

Someone posted about this in an earlier thread http://mapletrader.com/community/showthread.php?9341-I-ve-got-Zero-questions&p=113269#post113269

Claude Morin farm equipment in Derby Line Vt. Had it in stock for around $80 cash. He knows everything it seems about tanks from selling and servicing. Number is 802-895-4159

01-09-2012, 11:37 AM
Just wondering while on the topic of vac. if anybody might have any used releasers or pumps. I'm in the market for a couple of both, if there is anybody looking to sell any.

I have an electric releaser rated for about 1500 or 2000 taps with transfer pump. Dont have pictures at the moment but I can work on getting them if your interested.

maple flats
01-09-2012, 06:44 PM
I have searched all over the internet and am unable to find a replacement seal for the lid. It is a 600 gallon tank with an oval lid in the center with 3 inlets on the lid. Does anyone have a source for a replacement seal for these? I have the orginal seal put it is pretty cracked and I doubt it would hold vacuum. Thank for any input on this, Mike
I ordered new gaskets from Fisher Farms, Canastota, NY 13032 315-697-7039. They got them in about 5 days for my tank.
Sorry, I don't remember the price but it was less than $300. My memory is not good, but I'm thinking in the $180 range each. I'll be doing taxes sometime and will find the exact, but it might be too late to help before you need to order.