View Full Version : number of taps per tree

mountain man maple
12-14-2011, 03:03 PM
Running a gravity tubing system. Wondering What is maximum number of taps I should put on a tree have a few trees. That are 6-10 foot diameter. How many taps on trees that size

12-14-2011, 03:05 PM
Darn! those are some BIG trees!!!!!!!!

12-14-2011, 03:31 PM
3 maybe 4 ut definitely not more than 4

Cake O' Maple
12-14-2011, 03:41 PM
Hmmm, diameter or circumference?

12-14-2011, 04:15 PM
Hmmm, diameter or circumference?

Unless these are exceptionally large lawn trees or growing on the edge of a heavily fertilized field, I'm guessing it is actually circumference....which would make them 23-38" diameter trees...still good sized.

mountain man maple
12-14-2011, 04:47 PM
It is diameter have two trees this size in bush they grow up about five feet then have five trunks that would each handle two taps for their size if they were individual trees

12-14-2011, 05:04 PM
It is diameter have two trees this size in bush they grow up about five feet then have five trunks that would each handle two taps for their size if they were individual trees

Those are some BIG TREES.....post some pictures please so we can all enjoy them.

12-14-2011, 07:02 PM
please post some photos.

4,200+ Taps
3x10 Inferno Arch
7,5 HP Vacuum pump
Lapierre 600gph RO
3 SS 1500 gallon tanks
24x32 Sugarhouse

Cake O' Maple
12-14-2011, 08:05 PM
So, what's the normal treatment of trees with bifurcated trunks? I have a (much smaller) tree in my backyard w/ 4 trunks on it, and was trying to figure out # taps. My dad is no expert, but has experience, and was a Biologist for the DNR, so no slouch on tree knowledge, and he said to tap each trunk to it's potential if it were an individual tree.

I want to see pictures too!! Sounds awesome!

12-15-2011, 11:25 AM
In Pelham, ont. in Niagara area they have the "Comfort Maple" wich is know the biggest sugar maple in Canada, estimated age of 500 years, and cicumference of 20 ft. (6.4 ft diameter).


12-15-2011, 11:54 AM
how many taps pre tree?? well being only 22 years old and doing this my whole life i have witness lots of different style tapping... old timers would drill one whole for the beginning of the season and than one more half way through right below the old and 2 buckets or 10 LOL no matter the DBH of the tree with a conventional bit amazing how far we have gone in just my 20 years.. .. seen 3, 4, taps conventional, on gravity systems for trees over 18 inch DBH every body has a different feeling on tapping trees.. For myself even my father has a hard time not trying to squeeze in a tree tap tree and those are stubby spouts with a sanitary tip or the same thing as health spouts.... if it was me personally 1 tap one tree anything over 22in DBH 2 taps.. vacuum or no vacuum me personally no more than 1 tap one tree..

my feeling longevity of that tree if your putting multiple 3 or more holes in one tree each year your definitely not doing any justice to that tree. we need to encourage being a little more on the conservative side of tapping.. at a certain point your not going to gain by putting more holes in.. stress to that tree is going to lead to decline eventually and you never know when your not going to have it anymore..

but for those monster trees, um well how do they look? how much live crown is there? how much dead wood? soils, root zone, haha after determining if they are healthy or not (3 taps)?? conventional taps or health spouts.. really to tell ya dont have a clue but never hurts to ad some comments... never seen a maple that big yet biggest on i have measured was 52 DBH!! monster

12-15-2011, 12:28 PM
What a beauty!!!!!

Thad Blaisdell
12-15-2011, 02:38 PM
I would not be afraid to hang a bucket every 24". So on the comfort tree that would be 10 buckets. That would provide a lot of comfortable sap!

12-15-2011, 07:39 PM
Iwouldnt tap that tree.

12-15-2011, 08:46 PM
I would leave that tree alone. That tree is awesome.
