View Full Version : ro system type

12-12-2011, 11:05 PM
i am building my own ro and was wondering if anyone knew if i should use the single module design or batch it seems like the single molule idea would keep membrane cleaner any help

12-26-2011, 06:10 PM
I am also building a RO unit. I am using one 4"x40" membrane for now as going for 80-100 gph. From checking out membrane specs, if you want a high gph rate put 2 or more in parallel. If you want to get a high sugar content in one pass run them in series. It seems that the pump pressure you will run will determine how easy it is to wash and rinse. Joe at Atlantic RO said that keeping your psi a little lower will help with that and extend the membrane life. Also have plenty of storage for permeate for washing and rinsing.
Let me know how your unit works. Hope to have mine finished by middle of Jan.

12-28-2011, 08:54 PM
i have used mine for 2 years now i have a delevane ss roller pump and 2 nf270s in series with a ball valve for throttling this is as basic a system as you can get I'm going a go to xle4040 this year and if i did it over again i would use a series 6 procon how are you designing yours

12-29-2011, 05:52 PM
I am using an XLE-4040 membrane and a series 3 procon pump. Going to have 2 flowmeters, one for concentrate and one for permeate. The concentrate flowmeter will have a needle valve to regulate amount of both. Also a pressure gauge on pump outlet and one on the permeate outlet on the membrane so can tell if the membrane is slowing up any and needs cleaned. I am making it so if I need to I can add another membrane after next year, in parallel, and a bigger pump if see want more gph.
Putting all of this in a cabinet on rollers, insulated, so can move it around if need to. I am going to have a small light bulb in it when not running to keep it from freezing.
Wondering, I have heard a lot of different figures regarding amount of wash water need and amount of rinse water need. Thinking for me about 40 gallon for wash and 80-100 for rinse. Thinking about adding a heater to rinse or wash tank so can be sure to have mildly hot water for each.

12-31-2011, 07:56 PM
you have any pics yet