View Full Version : Upgrade Question - Candy Soak Method

12-12-2011, 09:51 AM
I'm looking to spend money here. Easy to do in this business. I need a more efficient way to soak candy for the crystal coating. I'm trying to fix a bottle neck as we can only soak about half of our batch each day. I'd like to be able to soak more at once. Right now we use a stock pot with a mesh basket. My thoughts are to use a stove pan and lid to double my soak output. Does anyone make candy soak equipment, baskets and such? Or is it a custom fab order?

12-12-2011, 02:20 PM
I went to Wally world and found a 3 peice mesh basket set for $10 and they fit very nicly in my stock pots they dont have handles but they did work.