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12-12-2011, 09:17 AM
Vermont Maple Conferences 2012


The University of Vermont Extension, Addison County Maple Sugarmakers Association and Vermont Maple Syrup Makers’ Association are pleased to offer the 9th annual Vermont Maple Conferences on Saturday January 14 and 21 and Saturday February 4, 2012. The conferences are educational meetings held for the purpose of bringing the latest information and research findings about forest management, sap collection, syrup production, quality control, and marketing to sugarmakers in Vermont and surrounding regions. These all day meetings, which are designed to provide education for maple producers of all levels of skill and experience, are open to the public. Classes are taught by scientists, natural resource professionals and sugarmakers from around the state. Meetings also feature a trade show with vendors displaying maple related equipment and a lunch with a maple theme.

Sat., Jan. 14, Middlebury Union H.S., Middlebury, VT
Sat., Jan. 21, Lamoille Union H.S., Hyde Park, VT
Sat., Feb. 4, Bellows Falls Union H.S., Bellows Falls, VT

Pre-registrations must be postmarked by Dec 31 (Middlebury) or January 7 (Hyde Park and Bellows Falls).

A list of presentations at each meeting and registration information is available at the link posted above

12-12-2011, 11:40 AM
That link doesn't work, for me atleast.

12-12-2011, 12:17 PM
It is working now. MapleTrader shortened it somehow and inserted the "...." into the address. I'll keep an eye on it.

01-11-2012, 10:00 AM
2012 Vermont Maple Conference
Middlebury, VT

7:30 – 8:30 – Registration – Free Coffee & Donuts
8:30 - 9:15 – Welcome (in Auditorium)
9:30 – 10:45 – Session I
11:00 – 12:15 – Session II
12:15 – 1:30 – Lunch & Trade Show
1:30 – 2:45 – Session III
3:00 – 4:15 – Session IV
4:15 Have a safe trip home

Session I – 9:30 – 10:45
• The Beginning Sugarmaker – Room E103
In this first part, Bill Scott, FFA Instructor Emeritus leads beginning sugarmakers from the tree to the sugarhouse, discussing taping, tubing, filtering basics and other techniques.

• R/O Systems - Auditorium
Brad Gillian of Leader Evaporator will help you explore the different types of systems. And once it’s purchased how do you use it effectively? Learn how to choose, install, operate and the care and maintenance for the equipment.

• Sugarhouse Inspections & Food Safety Issues – Choir Room
Selling to major markets or just want to be ready for the future wave of regulations and guideline? Henry Marckres, Agency of Agriculture Division of Food Safety and Consumer Protection will explore what you may need to do to make your sugarhouse and operation ready for the next steps.

• Got Visitors? – Room E104
As sugaring becomes more of an interest to the general public, we have more visitors in our sugarhouses. While we want to share the sugaring experience, these visitors are often in the way and cause distractions. George Cook, UVM Extension Service will help you plan for visitors to heighten their experience and yours.

• “Game of Logging” – Driver Education Room
Woods safety is no game - each year on average 2 sugarmakers are killed in accidents in the woods, these accidents do not need to happen. Allan Sands from Northeast Woodlands Training, Inc. will instruct participants how to look and assess the dangers and hazards in the woods.

Session II – 11:00 – 12:15
• Growing Your Business – Room E103
You’ve made it, now how are you going to sell it? Mike Farrell from Cornell University’s Maple Research and Development Labs in Lake Placid will discuss ways to boost your sales through a variety of markets and techniques.

• Filtering – Choir Room
Filtering is extremely important throughout the sugaring process. Whether filtering sap or syrup learn what you need to do to make the highest quality final product for the customer from Glenn Goodrich of Cabot.

• Land Use/Current Use – Room E104
Land Use planning and forest management plans are important to sugarmakers. Discover how to work with your forester and write the best plan for your operation. Chris Olson, Addison County Forester for the VT Dept. of Forest and Parks is scheduled to lead this discussion.

• Modern Vacuum Systems - Auditorium
As technology changes, most vacuum systems are not as current as they once were. Presenters will show the most modern technology and best practices of installation and operation of a modern vacuum system. This presentation will be given by Brad Gillian of Leader Evaporator.

• Update on Current Maple Research – Drivers Education Room
Several studies at the Proctor Center focus on ways to increase sap yields in vacuum tubing systems. Dr. Tim Perkins, Director of UVM Proctor Maple Research Center will describe current work examining air (vacuum) and sap transfer in maple tubing.

Session III – 1:30 – 2:45
• Sugarhouse Inspections & Food Safety Issues – Choir Room
Selling to major markets or just want to be ready for the future wave of regulations and guideline? Henry Marckres, Agency of Agriculture Division of Food Safety and Consumer Protection will explore what you may need to do to make your sugarhouse and operation ready for the next steps.

• Single or Double Tap per Tree? – Auditorium
Tapping guidelines emphasize restrictions in the number of taps in order to reduce wounding, but what about the potential gain in sap from adding a second tap to a tree? Tim Wilmot, UVM Extension Maple Specialist, will discuss a study that examines the sap yield under vacuum from one tape vs. two in trees averaging 16”-19” in diameter.

• Beginning Sugarmaker – Room E103
In this second part, Mr. Scott reviews boiling techniques, best practices when it comes to drawing syrup off, filtering, grading and canning.

• Buying and Selling Sap – Room E104
Mike Farrell, Cornell Maple Research Lab in Lake Placid will discuss the economics of buying and pricing sap. Learn the factors that determine the selling/asking price.

• “Game of Logging” – Driver Education Room
Woods safety is no game - each year on average 2 sugarmakers are killed in accidents in the woods, these accidents do not need to happen. Allan Sands from Northeast Woodlands Training, Inc. will instruct participants how to look and assess the dangers and hazards in the woods.

Session IV – 3:00 – 4:15
• Tap Hole Sanitation: How it Affects Sap Yield – Driver Education Room
Reducing microbial contamination of tapholes results in substantial increases in sap production. Dr. Tim Perkins, UVM Proctor Maple Research Center will summarize the work done over the last 5 years examining the effects of different strategies for spout and tubing replacement on sap yield, including an economic analysis of the costs and benefits of different types of changes.

• Woods Management – Room E104
This roundtable of sugarmakers and foresters will discuss road making, tree selection and cutting, and planning how to get the best from your woods. Roundtable participants include Andy Hutchison, sugarmaker and forester from Leicester, Chris Olson, County Forester and Tommy Lathrop, logger and sugarmaker.

• Spouts and Tapping – Choir Room
Deciding the best time to tap your woods and the type of spouts to use is a challenge. Glen Goodrich, of Cabot, will spend this session discussing his experience with a variety of products and time of tapping.

• No Vacuum Pump? No problem - Auditorium
The sap yield from gravity tubing is typically half that of a system using modern vacuum systems; however, there may be a better way to collect sap using gravity. Tim Wilmot explains the results of a pilot study illustrating new methods and materials which can, under the right conditions, lead to vacuum levels that rival those of the best pumps

01-23-2012, 03:41 PM
I attended the Hyde Park workshop and posted some highlights here:


It was a fun day.

Amber Gold
02-01-2012, 12:13 PM
Does anyone have the schedule for Bellows Falls?

02-01-2012, 06:14 PM

Schedule is posted on the VMSMA website.

Amber Gold
02-02-2012, 07:04 AM
I know what classes they're having, but wanted the times.

02-02-2012, 08:34 AM
Darn I was hoping the Game of Logging would be offered at more maple schools.