View Full Version : Fall sap Brix readings

12-11-2011, 03:22 PM
I was out clearing trails today and cut some small sugar and red maples. Sap was running well today. I ran home to get the refractometer and took some readings. Sugars were 1.9-2.4 and the Reds were 1.6-1.8 Anyone out there have any trees tapped or know of someone?

12-11-2011, 05:13 PM
I am a very small producer, but ive never made fall syrup, or tapped in fall, until 2 days ago. I tapped one tree with a spout and bucket, that was about 14 inch in diameter. It was a red maple I think, and today I got back and took the pint of sap to the house. I put it in my hydrometer cup, and got out my new sap hydrometer, and it floated at about 2.4-2.5. I was very surpised. Maybe Ill tap a few more, but its staying cold now, I think winter has finally set in!

12-13-2011, 01:47 PM
In late October, I was considering doing some Fall tapping. But then we got hit with the monster snowstorm that damaged every tree in the area. It's really too bad, because the weather in Western Mass was perfect for fall tapping. We've had many, many days that were in the low 40's and nights in the low 20's.

12-13-2011, 08:42 PM
Has there been any research on how fall tapping affects the flow/sugar content the following spring?

buckeye gold
12-14-2011, 06:45 AM
I am seriously considering doing this. As a small operator, set up and clean up is not as big a hassle and I have way more trees than I will tap in spring. I can tap some now and leave them alone this spring. My concern is freeze damage in an open hole when I pull taps mid winter. Who has done this and what are some old timer thoughts. I sure could use some syrup for the Holidays. The next 10 days weather looks favorable and the last week was great.

I began to wonder about this last week when I had an experience in the woods. I was out fall turkey hunting in Ky and shot at a turkey and some of the shot hit a small maple sapling and it was running sap within minutes. It made me wonder and then I saw this post.

12-14-2011, 08:33 AM
If you tap in the fall, it is strongly recommended that you do NOT tap the same tree in the spring as it doubles the wound and may be unsustainable in terms of tree health. Anticipating the next question you might ask....it has not been found to be worth while to tap in the fall with a smaller spout (1/4") and ream the same taphole to a larger size (5/16") in the spring.

12-14-2011, 11:44 AM
Didn't the proctor do a study and got 1qt per tap in fall. With high vac and ro. i think that was the study that they used 1/4" in fall and 5/16" in spring.