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View Full Version : PA code for Maple Syrup

12-01-2011, 03:58 PM
Am interpreting the code listed below for PA maple syrup producers correctly? If I make less than 1000 gallons of syrup for sale to the general public I can get a license but I don't have to?

(a) General rule.--A person may not purchase, produce or
otherwise acquire 1,000 gallons of maple syrup or more annually
for the purposes of packaging for sale or resale or for the
purposes of sale or resale in bulk without possessing a current
valid dealer's license issued by the department or a current
valid registration as a food establishment issued by the
department under the act of July 7, 1994 (P.L.421, No.70), known
as the Food Act.
(b) Optional licensure.--A person who purchases, produces or
otherwise acquires less than 1,000 gallons of maple syrup
annually for the purposes of packaging for sale or resale or for
the purposes of sale or resale in bulk may apply for and be
issued a dealer's license by the department. A person who is
licensed pursuant to this subsection shall be subject to the
same requirements applicable to a person licensed pursuant to
subsection (a).

12-02-2011, 06:37 AM
Here is a link to the current Pennsylvania code for maple syrup production.


Gary R
12-04-2011, 03:29 PM
Thanks to ex Gov. Rendell, Act 106 of 2010 was passed. It requires all maple product producers by licensed and subject to a $35 fee. I have spoken to the Dept. of Ag. inspector. She said if you are selling any you must be licensed. Your office is in Meadville. The number is 814 332 6890. They can give you the guidelines to prepare for inspection.

12-05-2011, 10:28 AM
There is some interpretation in the $35 fee. My inspector told me if greater than 75% of the production came from your trees you were exempt from the license fee. It is true that everyone has to be licensed and inspected no matter how much syrup you make or sell.